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44 resultaten
van 5
Reguliere editie
Wherewithal Shall a Young Man Cleanse His Way?

Wherewithal Shall a Young Man Cleanse His Way?

Dear Reader (and younger readers, as this meditation is written also for you),Many of you hope to graduate this spring or summer and need to make a decision in regard to the future. What is the future? That answer, my young friends, is known by only One. That is why y ...

The Banner of Truth
Rev. G.M. de Leeuw
1240 woorden
Is de rek uit ons kerkverband?

Is de rek uit ons kerkverband?

Presbyteriaal tegenover congregationalistisch.Dat brengt ons bij de vraag: Wat is een kerkverband naar gereformeerde opvatting, wat is de waarde daarvan en hoever gaan de grenzen? Om die vraag te beantwoorden wil ik onze kerkopvatting eerst wat laten aanleun ...

Ambtelijk Contact
A. Baars
4578 woorden
Hast Thou Received the Holy Ghost?

Hast Thou Received the Holy Ghost?

Pentecost in Sebastian Based on Acts 8 It is as if a mighty explosion has taken place in Jerusalem. The cause of this was the murder of the fiery preacher and deacon, Stephen. Shortly after hi ...

The Banner of Truth
Rev. A. Moerkerken
964 woorden
Curatorium Announcement

Curatorium Announcement

The Curatorium of our Netherlands Reformed Theological School met on Wednesday, June 5, 2019, and was given freedom to accept a new student to begin studies in our school, namely, Elder Peter Kleijer, of the Lethbridge, Alberta, congregation. Mr. Kleijer is forty-seven years old, a cab ...

The Banner of Truth
330 woorden
The Life of Isaac (4)

The Life of Isaac (4)

Abraham’s faith had been severely tried because of the command that he had to offer his son Isaac. What a wonder it must have been that the Lord had provided a substitute. The ram caught in the thicket by his horns had been offered up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son Isaac. ...

The Banner of Truth
Rev. C. Vogelaar
1874 woorden
Life Is So Frail and Uncertain

Life Is So Frail and Uncertain

What I still wish to sayWhat I still wish to say” is the heading above. It seems that it is a question which has haste. Of course, it requires haste, for now we are still able to do it. We can leave something behind—a good message, some honest advice. “ ...

The Banner of Truth
802 woorden
The Angel of the LORD (6)

The Angel of the LORD (6)

The Saviour Three men came to Abraham, and ate with him in his tent, also the most prominent one among them, the Angel of the LORD. Many centuries later, Jesus and His disciples were welcomed by Martha to their home where she prepared a ...

The Banner of Truth
Rev. C. Hogchem
996 woorden
A Safe Shelter

A Safe Shelter

In this text, enlightened by the Spirit, the prophet Isaiah directs us to the King of the Church who in His kingdom reigns in righteousness. He was anointed as King by His Father upon the mountain of His holiness. To Him is given all power in heaven and upon earth. It is He who protect ...

The Banner of Truth
Rev. J.C. Weststrate
920 woorden


Arie de Rover,Leven na de genadeklap, Buijten & Schipperheijn Motief, Amsterdam 2012, 176 blz,. €14,90. ISBN 9789058816993.Arie de Reuver heeft zijn levensverhaal al tijdens diverse lezingen met anderen gedeeld. Op vel ...

Ambtelijk Contact
114 woorden


A.A. Egas, De stem van binnen. Geweten en gewetensvorming in Bijbels licht. Uitgeverij Den Hertog, Houten 2016, 112 blz., € 12,50. ISBN 9789033127960.De aanleiding voor deze publicatie beschrijft ds. Egas in zijn woord vooraf. De digitale revolut ...

Ambtelijk Contact
204 woorden
van 5