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17 resultaten
van 2
The Banner of Truth
The Heidelberg Catechism in Questions and Answers (4)

The Heidelberg Catechism in Questions and Answers (4)

15. What sort of a mediator and deliverer then must we seek for? For one who is very man, and perfectly righteous; and yet more powerful than all creatures; that is, one who is also very God. 1. What is a mediator? A med ...

The Banner of Truth
Rev. A. Hoogerland
675 woorden
Wise Counsel

Wise Counsel

This text is one of the many proverbs of wise Solomon. It was the upright desire of Solomon to be blessed with wise discretion in order to rule as king. The Lord bestowed this upon him in rich measure, to the benefit of his subjects. Oh, that we had leaders who would uprightly desire this of the ...

The Banner of Truth
Rev. J. Mol
732 woorden
The Guarded House

The Guarded House

As they entered the new year of 1814, the people of the village of Sleswick in Germany were saddened by the thought of what was lying before them. It was a time of war, but a brief truce had been declared, which was to end on January 5. The soldiers camped nearby would then be let loose, and the ...

The Banner of Truth
571 woorden
De rechte dankdaggestalte

De rechte dankdaggestalte

Een diep onwaardige in zichzelf buigt zich aan de Jabbok voor de Heere neer. Zo n hartgesteldheid is geen vanzelfsprekende zaak in het leven van een mens. Ook geen vrucht van eigen akker. Wel een zaak waar de Heere recht op heeft, naar zoekt, en waartoe Hij de Zijnen wil brengen, en die ons onmis ...

The Banner of Truth
Rev. J. Baaijens
1035 woorden
Consistorial Prayer and Handshake

Consistorial Prayer and Handshake

The prayer offered in the consistory room before the service probably originated at the time of the Secession. When the congregations of the Secession originated, church services were often disturbed by the military or police force. Before the services, they were not certain whether it would take ...

The Banner of Truth
Rev. K. de Gier
897 woorden
This Unceasing Voice of God

This Unceasing Voice of God

My dear young friend, I have been sorry to hear you are still unwell. This unceasing voice of God, no doubt, is to excite your attention, for what are created things when compared with that rich treasure which the Lord provides for His afflicted people? All are a ...

The Banner of Truth
615 woorden
The Nature of Repentance

The Nature of Repentance

We may consider what repentance is in its general nature. It is a saving grace: “In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth” (2 Timothy 2:25). It is a grace given us of God freely, enabling and disposing a ...

The Banner of Truth
Thomas Boston
648 woorden
Thanksgiving Meditation

Thanksgiving Meditation

At the end of this month, we in the United States will have our Thanksgiving Day. On that day people are coming together in all parts of the country to praise the name of the Lord for the blessings received during the past season. It is most fitting and needful that we do so. Amid all the judgmen ...

The Banner of Truth
Rev. W. C. Lamain
1754 woorden
Dr. H. F. Kohlbrugge (1803-1875) Preacher of God's Free Grace (1)

Dr. H. F. Kohlbrugge (1803-1875) Preacher of God's Free Grace (1)

A few years ago, several articles on church history were published in the Banner of Truth. Several forefathers, representatives of the Second Reformation, were discussed, as well as later developments in the State Church in the Netherlands, which resulted in the secession ...

The Banner of Truth
Rev. C. Vogelaar
1990 woorden
Sinnership Belongs to Us

Sinnership Belongs to Us

Beloved, I wish you to be brought to a deep consciousness that sinnership belongs to us, as well as to the woman of the city (Luke 7), and that our sinnership is such that nothing but the blood of Christ can meet our condition before God. What would Simon have done, could I have crept into his pa ...

The Banner of Truth
Rev. Joseph Irons
483 woorden
van 2