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Brief Report of the Synod 2014

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Brief Report of the Synod 2014

7 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

On Tuesday, September 16, in the Covell Avenue Church of Grand Rapids, Rev. PL. Bazen led the prayer service for the Synodical meeting, speaking about the old paths and the blessed rest based on Jeremiah 6:16. The next day, he also opened the Synod meeting on behalf of the calling church of Picture Butte with the singing of Psalter 348:1-4, Luke 22:24-30, and prayer, pointing to Christ’s word, especially: “I am among you as He that serveth.”

Besides the delegates from our Classes, Rev. G.J.N. Moens was advisory delegate from our sister denomination in the Netherlands, and Elder M. Rojas was present from the Bolivian church. It was the first time a native Bolivian was there as an office bearer.

Besides the delegates from our Classes, Rev. G.J.N. Moens was advisory delegate from our sister denomination in the Netherlands, and Elder M. Rojas was present from the Bolivian church. It was the first time a native Bolivian was there as an office bearer.

Rev. J. den Hoed, chairman

Rev. C. Vogelaar, vice-chairman

Rev. A.H. Verhoef, first clerk

Elder J. Timmer, second clerk

Elder W. Verhey, treasurer

The brothers from Holland and Bolivia both received an opportunity to convey greetings and express their wishes for the Lord’s favor on the meeting. The Dutch brother spoke in English, but the Bolivian brother spoke in Spanish, which was translated by Elder S. van Brugge. Later in the meetings, there were also some Nigerian ministers as visitors from the Nigerian Reformed Church, a denomination of our sister churches in the Netherlands.

The major decisions included the following:

• The policy statement on Confidentiality of Church Records was adopted.

• Rev. C. Vogelaar was chosen as deputy according to Articles 48 and 49 for the Classis Midwest; Rev. A.T. Vergunst was appointed alternate.

• The following were elected to serve on the Curatorium: Rev. E.C. Adams, Elder J. Groenendyk for Classis Far West, Elder J. Vander Wiele for Classis East. Alternates chosen are Rev. E. Hakvoort for the ministers; Elder I. Oskam for elder from Classis Farwest; Elder M. Heerschap for Classis East.

• The Mission Board reported that the Interim Admissions Committee of the Bolivian church had accepted Elder M. Rojas to study for the ministry. The responsibility for this lies with the Bolivian church as they are an independent denomination. Our Mission Board provided advice. Rev. E.C. Adams, Rev. E. Hakvoort, Elder L.Teunissen, and Elder N. Stam were chosen to serve on the Mission Board. The alternate for the U.S. is Elder S. Wisse and for Canada Elder H. de Kok. It was reported that church attendance had stabilized.

• In case the Emeritus Committee is faced with large medical expenses, the congregations will be asked for an extra collection. It was emphasized that the Lord has always provided.

The Banner of Truth Committee is still urgently looking for volunteers to take over reading and recording our monthly magazine for the benefit of those who cannot read it. Synod approved preserving all the old issues of The Banner of Truth in digital form.

• Elder R. de Kok was added to the Insight Into committee.

• The Book and Publishing Committee received three new members: Elder J. Fluit, Elder R.W. van Koeveringe, and Deacon A. Kieboom. It was agreed that the Synodical Education Committee will take up the task of reviewing the translation of the three-volume set The Church in History by Mr. J. Vreugdenhil, comparing them to the updated two-volume Dutch set, with the provision to maintain the “applications.”

• The Synodical Education Committee presented a proposal for a Coordinator to serve our schools. After discussing the needs, the tasks, the costs, and the requirements, Synod gave approval to go forward with this. Rev. E. Hakvoort and Elder E. Korevaar were chosen to serve on this committee. Rev. E.C. Adams and Elder G. van Hierden are alternates.

• Mr. R. Van Den Top was chosen as a member of the Treasured Meditations and Dr. J. Lugthart as alternate.

• Deacon D. Schipper was elected to the Disaster Fund and Deacon R. Klaassen as alternate.

• The Deputies for Correspondence with the Canadian Government were cautioned against cooperation with the Association for Reformed Political Action.

• The Legal Advisory Committee reported on the recertification process of the theological school as well as the visa situation for ministers from Canada and from the Netherlands. Two alternates were chosen: Mr. W Lamain for the U.S. and Elder N. Stam for Canada. The LAC was recommended to investigate not only the positive but also possible negative aspects of U.S. congregations being incorporated and receiving an Internal Revenue Service Determination Letter.

• The NRC Savings Fund of Canada was instructed about investment and interest policy.

• The following were chosen to the Joint Ministry Management Committee: Mr. R. Wagenaar and Mr. G. Stubbe for Canada; Mr. K. Knibbe and Mr. D. van Dyke for the U.S.

• The Archives Committee received newspaper clippings about the burning down of the former Peoples Park Church in Paterson.

• Mr. M. den Dekker was chosen to serve on the Modern Media Committee. It was stressed at Synod that we should not be too comfortable with filters as the dangers increase, our hearts are evil, and so we should be more careful in the use of the Internet.

• The changes recommended by the Committee to Evaluate the Translation of the Forms of Unity and the Liturgy Forms were adopted and to be incorporated in future publications.

• Consistories were urged to use wisdom as to which magazines they distribute in their congregations.

• After a lengthy discussion and keeping in mind the autonomy of each of our congregations, the following statement was adopted: In the line of the previous Synodical decision regarding placing sermons on the Internet (2002), (a) Synod strongly discourages placing sermons on the Internet; (b) Synod encourages local Consistories to set up their own digital sermon library; (c) Synod recognizes that the local Consistory has the authority to act in accordance to this Synodical advice. The Synod decided the moderamen will be sending a follow-up letter to the Consistories detailing this point and what is meant by a digital library.

• Synod approved that The Banner of Truth can be made available digitally by way of the website called digibron.nl or a better alternative.

• Synod gave unanimous support to a proposed project by the Gereformeerde Bijbel Stichting to adapt the translated marginal notes from the Dutch Statenvertaling to the Authorized Version (the King James Version) and recommended that the GBS make use of the translation work done by Mr. G. den Boer.

• The Joint Ministry Management Committee and the Legal Advisory Committee were given the task to investigate how to add local U.S. congregations to the list of charitable organizations which can receive donations from the Canadian congregations through the JMMC.

• Synod endorsed the point that our children and young people need to learn how to read the Bible studiously and our old writers that are based on it. This should be encouraged in the homes by our parents as well as in our schools. The Synodical Education Committee is to forward this to the schools. Texts should be memorized from early youth to familiarize our children with the Bible language. The use of electronic devices should be limited.

• The final version of a booklet about In Vitro Fertilization was adopted. In addition, several paragraphs will be added explaining why we are also opposed to adopting frozen human embryos.

The next Synod will be called together by Norwich on September 28 and 29, 2016, D.V. The hosting church is again Coveil Avenue. Rev. E.C. Adams has the opportunity to preach during the prayer service the evening before Synod. Rev. R van Ruitenburg is the alternate. After the chairman thanked everyone involved, Rev. C. Vogelaar acknowledged Rev. den Hoed as chairman and closed the meeting with singing and prayer.

— The Moderamen

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 november 2014

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's

Brief Report of the Synod 2014

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 november 2014

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's