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Curatorium Announcement

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Curatorium Announcement

3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

On May 13, 2009, the Lord willing, the Curatorium of our Theological School will meet in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The task of the Curatorium is a weighty one, especially as decisions must be made concerning acceptance of students into our Theological School. For the past seven years there has been no freedom to grant anyone permission to begin studies. Oh, ought we not, each one, to turn inward and ask ourselves if this has become our burden? The Lord is not only a prayer-hearing and a prayer-answering God, He is also a prayer-giving God. He receives His honor in answering the needs laid upon the heart of His Church. Is this need also felt among us? Are there those who storm the throne of grace for our denomination, also concerning the many vacant congregations? Certainly, we have forfeited all claims to any favors from the Lord by departing from Him in so many ways. Because of his unworthiness, the thief declared, “We indeed justly, we receive the due reward of our deeds.” Does the same also lie in our hearts? May we also be given, as he, a simple and urgent cry, “Lord, remember us.” Who can tell but that the Lord would do great things for us, whereof we would be so glad, in thrusting forth more laborers into His vineyard.

Are there yet some who are not able to deny the Lord’s dealings in their life, upon whose heart the Lord has also bound the work of the ministry? Are you not able to cast this burden from you? If it is truly so, may the Lord grant you liberty to lay this before your Consistory with a request for an attest, asking that the Lord may confirm by His leadings the truth of what you feel in your heart and give you submission to follow in the way that He leads. If it is indeed laid upon you by Him, He is able to convince the heart of every member of the Consistory and Curatorium alike.

Consistories of vacant congregations should seek the advice and presence of their moderator when hearing a person regarding an attest. If the Lord would incline your hearts to judge that the work is of God rather than man and grant an attest, please notify the clerk of the Curatorium. You will then receive a request for information regarding the applicant who should also forward his attest to the clerk. If possible, all information should be submitted by the first week in May.

The Lord willing, Rev. P. Van Ruitenburg will lead a prayer service which will be held the evening before the Curatorium meeting in the Beckwith Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Once again, we ask the Consistories to lay these weighty matters before the Lord in prayer on Sunday prior to the meeting. May the Lord be pleased, for reasons only to be found in Himself, to deal with us in His favor.

On behalf of the Curatorium,
Rev. J. Spaans, chairman
Rev. H.D. den Hollander, clerk

Address of the clerk of the Curatorium:

Rev. H.D. den Hollander
P.O. Box 627, Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada T0L 0Z0
Phone (403) 553-4499 • Fax (403) 553-4436

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 maart 2009

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's

Curatorium Announcement

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zondag 1 maart 2009

The Banner of Truth | 24 Pagina's