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“Gezelschappen” With Old Books Printed Anew (2)

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“Gezelschappen” With Old Books Printed Anew (2)

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Odom Publications

Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661) was one of Scotland’s most renowned theologians. Today he is best remembered for his immemorial Letters which have been read avidly by God’s people throughout subsequent generations. Rutherford also authored several other volumes, however, that have long been in need of reprinting. We are very glad to note that Odom Publications has recently reprinted Rutherford’s long out of print, Trial and Triumph of Faith ($23.95), which contains twenty-seven precious sermons on Christ’s saving work in the Canaanitish woman. In each sermon, Rutherford addresses some practical aspect of the trial of faith. Highly recommended. Perhaps Odom would also consider republishing Rutherford’s Influences of the Life of Faith (1659) and his The Covenant of Life Opened (1655)?

Odom Publications, Rt. 1, Box 170, Keyser, West Virginia 26726 (add 6% postage) has also reprinted the following:

Thomas Hooker The Poor Doubting Christian Drawn to Christ ($11.75)

William Plumer The Grace of Christ ($14.95)

J. C. Ryle Home Truths, Vol. 1 and 2 ($14.50 each)

Octavius Winslow The Sympathy of Christ ($ 14.95)

This last volume by Winslow is a precious gem. It will be highly valued by God’s exercised children.

International Outreach

International Outreach, ATTN: Bill Nichols, P. O. Box 1286, Ames, Iowa 50010, has brought into print a fascimile edition of two classics written by the Westminster divine, Anthony Burgess, Spiritual Refining: Or A Treatise of Grace and Assurance ($35.00) and Spiritual Refining: Part II Or, A Treatise of Sin ($27.50). Both volumes — the former of which contains 120 sermons and the latter, 42 sermons — are priceless treasures. Spiritual Refining (700 pages) includes the following sermons: 7 on true signs of grace and 15 on false signs of grace; 22 on calling; 6 on regeneration; 19 on conversion; 26 on sanctification; 11 on assurance of faith, etc. Spiritual Refining: Part II (400 pages) includes sermons related to the depths of wickedness and deceitfulness of the human heart; various kinds of sins and the aggravation of them; hypocrisy and formality contrasted with the life and power of godliness, etc. It ought to be pointed out that these beautiful volumes are fascimile reprints; hence the old English spelling predominates and the “s’s” look like “f’s.” On the other hand, for any serious-minded person who puts forth a little effort, this problem soon dissipates. Both volumes read easily and are filled with practical, experiential divinity. Highly recommended.

The Pilgrim Press

The Pilgrim Press, 475 Riverside Dr., New York, New York 10115 has reprinted also in facsimile format two scarce commentaries of William Perkins (1558-1602), the “father” of English Puritanism: A Commentary on Hebrews 11 (1609 Edition; $29.95p) and a 600-page Commentary on Galatians ($29.95p). Both volumes are invaluable and full of savory truth. Helpful introductions are also provided. Prices for hard cover editions are available from the publisher.

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

The Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, P.O. Box 462, Simmesport, Louisiana 71369, has reprinted The Wonderful Conversion and Life of the Russian Jew, Isaac Levinsohn. It is available from the above address free of charge, although we would suggest a donation of $1.50 per copy. This is a reprint of the edition originally put out by Rev. J. Van-Zweden in 1958. Highly recommended for young and old; well-suited also for teens.

Free Presbyterian Publications

Free Presbyterian Publications, 133 Woodlands Road, Glasgow G3 6LE, Scotland have reprinted the valuable 6-volume set of The Works of Ralph Erskine ($150; volume 7 of his gospel sonnets was not reprinted) which contains all of his extant sermons. Already in the 1930s Rev. G. H. Kersten recommended our members to purchase and read the sermons of this eminent Scottish divine, who colabored with his brother Ebenezer and with Thomas Boston.

Free Presbyterian has also reprinted a little gem by James Buchanan, Comfort in Affliction ($12.95p) — a series of twelve meditations which seek to give counsel to God’s afflicted people. Buchanan (1804-1870) was a Scottish, Calvinistic preacher, professor, and theological writer.

Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company

The reprinting of the 1822 edition of Herman Witsius’s, The Economy of the Covenants Between God and Man: Comprehending a Complete Body of Divinity (2 volumes; $34.95 set) makes available one of the most esteemed works of the seventeenth century. This renowned work sets forth a truly Reformed perspective of the covenant. Soon after its original publication in 1677, it was translated into English and reprinted several times until the mid-nineteenth century. Witsius (1636-1708) has been much loved throughout the centuries in the Netherlands, England, and America, but his writings have more recently been unduly neglected due to their scarcity.

This new set has been reprinted by the den Dulk Christian Foundation and is being distributed by Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company. I have spoken with Mr. Bruce Craig from P & R who is allowing Banner of Truth readers a special price of purchasing this beautiful set of some 1000 pages for $22.95 postpaid (US funds). Payment must accompany order. Send to: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, P. O. Box 817, Phillipsburg, New Jersey 08865.

We also hope that some publisher might consider the reprinting of Herman Witsius’s other major works, particularly the following three titles: Sacred Dissertations on the Apostles’ Creed (2 vols.); Sacred Dissertations on the Lord’s Prayer, A Treatise on Christian Faith.

Inheritance Publications

Inheritance Publications, Box 154, Neerlandia, Alberta TOG 1R0, Canada [in USA: 2207 - 76th Street, Caledonia, Michigan 49316] offers three suitable titles for youth, the first two of which are translated from Dutch: (1) P. DeZeeuw, Augustine: The Farmer’s Boy of Tagaste ($6.50p; $6.95p Canadian), which tells the story of this great early church father’s life (suitable for the ages of 10 and up); (2) William P. Balkenende, Love in Times of Reformation ($7.60p; $8.95p Canadian) — a story based on historical facts about a boy and girl living in the sixteenth century in the Netherlands in a time of war and church struggles (translated by Judy Den Hertog, a member of our Chilliwack congregation); (3) A. van der Jagt, The Escape: The Adventures of Three Huguenot Children Fleeing Persecution based on historical facts ($9.95p; $11.95p Canadian) — a story about three Huguenot children, John, Manette, and Camille, who are assisted by God in escaping persecution. All three are suitable for teens.

May God graciously bless such volumes as these to keep the God-dishonoring leaven of Arminianism out of the church.

Additional publishers

Additional volumes recently reprinted and worthy of notation include:

Life and Hymns of John Cennick, edited by J. R. Broome (Gospel Standard Trust Publications, $11.95p) — is filled with warmly experiential poems. The brief history of Cennick’s life is also commendable.

M’Cheyne from the Pew: Being Extracts from the Diary of William Lamb (Ambassador Publications, $4.95p) — additional insights into M’Cheyne’s spiritual life, conjoined with an appendix of his last days by Andrew Bonar.

The King James Version of the Bible by Steven Houck. A 24-page concise and able defense of the KJV available free of charge (Evangelism Committee, P. O. Box 5634, Lansing, Illinois 64038). The Thousand Generation Covenant by Jonathan Neil Gerstner ($79.95; published by E. J. Brill of the Netherlands) provides an excellent insight into how the Dutch Second Reformation divines and colonial South Africa viewed the covenant and the sacraments. The viewpoints of divines well-known in our circles, such as Dathenus, Voetius, Teellinck, van Lodenstein, Borstius, Koelman, Smytegelt, Brakel, Hellenbroek, and van der Groe are examined. Very helpful for those with a real interest in Dutch theology.

Welsh Tract Publication, P. O. Box 1250, Salisbury, Maryland 21802 has reprinted A Memoir of the late Mr. William Gadsby ($11.50) — a valuable biography which has long been hard to find on the used book market. This work stands in the Strict Baptist tradition of other autobiographical works such as The Mercies of a Covenant God by John Warburton and John Kershaw’s memoirs.

Pilgrim Book House, 541 7 Woodleigh Dr., Carmichael, California 95608 has reprinted an old, valuable work by the Puritan Robert Asty, A Treatise of Rejoicing in the Lord Jesus in All Cases and Conditions ($11.95p), based on Habakkuk 3:17-18. Asty probes deeply into the soul in uncovering causes for darkness and discouragement in the lives of God’s people, and provides wise counsel on where and how relief can be found. Eminently practical and experiential.

A Quest for Godliness: The Puritan Vision of the Christian Life by James I. Packer ($16.95; Crossway Books, Wheaton, Illinois 60187) “uncovers the hidden treasures of Puritan life and thought … revealing the depth and breadth of Puritan spiritual life, contrasting it with the superficiality” of our day. Most of the chapters are addresses given at Puritan and Reformed Studies Conferences. Several addresses focus on some aspect of John Owen’s theology. “The Witness of the Spirit in Puritan Thought” is a particularly valuable chapter. Very readable and informative.

From J. J. Groen en Zoon, Rooseveltstraat 12, 2301 EA Leiden, The Netherlands, we have received for review reprints of two doctoral dissertations: Dr. A. G. Honig (1864-1940), Alexander Comrie (1707-1774) and Dr. F.J. Los (1865-1947), Wilhelmus à Brakel (1635-1711) (f48.50 each; f= guilders). These are still valuable works, covering the lives, theology, and times of Comrie and Brakel respectively. Unfortunately, they are not available in English.

Thomas Boston’s classic A View of the Covenant of Grace ($15) has finally been reprinted as an individual volume again and is obtainable from Testimony Books, 6 Orchard Road, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2HB, England. This work is actually a series of sermons preached over a two-year period on Psalm 89:3 and 1 Corinthians 15:45. Boston was led to preach and write on the covenant of grace after reading Witsius’s Economy of the Covenants (noted above). He divided his subject into the following heads: the parties to the covenant; the making of the covenant of grace; the parts of the covenant; the administration of the covenant; the trial of a saving personal inbeing in the covenant; and the way of “instating” sinners, personally and savingly, in the covenant of grace. Warmly commended.

Naphtali Press, P. O. Box 141804, Dallas, Texas 75214 has reprinted in an attractive format Concerning Scandal ($35) by James Durham (1622-1658), a leading theologian of the so-called Scottish Second Reformation and contemporary with Andrew Gray (1634-1656). This work is a classic discussion concerning private offenses and scandals, church discipline, the spreading of scandalous rumors, divisions among churches and how to unite them. Though a bit difficult to read, it is well worth a careful perusal. Durham stresses how far each church member and office-bearer should go in serving and loving others to the mutual upbuilding of the body of Christ.

From Presbyterian Heritage Publications, Dallas, Texas comes a short classic on the eldership by David Dickson (1821-1885), The Elder and His Work ($6.95p). Very suitable for elders as it deals with a wide range of topics: the importance of the eldership; the elder’s qualifications and duties; visitation of the sick; encouragement of godliness in families; special cases of discipline; relationship with the minister and the consistory; encouragements and discouragements in office-bearing.

Letters of William Huntington: Further Cleanings of the Vintage ($6.00; obtainable from H. M. Pickles, 11 7 Dane Road, Coventry, England) — includes sixty pages of Huntington’s letters, several of which do not appear in his 19th-century edition of complete works. Also, Huntington’s renowned letters to a Roman Catholic, Episdes of Faith addressed to Miss Elizabeth Morton ($8.00) have been reprinted by Focus Christian Ministries Trust and are obtainable from Gospel Standard Trust Publications, 7 Bracken-dale Grove, Harpenden, Herts AL5 3EL, England.

From RCNA, 49090 Castleman Rd., Chilliwack, British Columbia V2P 6H4, Canada we have received, Arie Tuinman, The Sprouting of God’s Seed ($6.50) — a true story about a 20-year-old boy who becomes blind and is then led to experience his spiritual blindness and need for a Redeemer. His new convictions lead to his father disowning him. Recommended for young and old.

From Still Waters Revival Books, 12810-126th St., Edmonton, Alberta T5L 0Y1, Canada, we have received for review a second paperback in their Calvin Classics series, A Display of Arminianism by Dr. John Owen ($7.50; $8.95 Canadian). In this short classic, which was Owen’s first publication, this “prince of the Puritans” ably points out the dangers of Arminianism and warns against the impossibility of a faithful church imbibing its principles or compromising with its teachings. The use of tables of comparison between the arguments for free grace and free will at the conclusion of each chapter are very helpful. Highly recommended, but may be difficult reading for some due to Owen’s prolix style.

May God graciously bless such volumes as these to keep the God-dishonoring leaven of Arminianism out of the church.

Above all, may we each be led into the truth of free grace by the Holy Spirit so that we may be found building on the rock of “sovereign grace o’er sin abounding.”


How encouraging it is that more publishers are involved than ever before in reprinting old, sound books, and that such literature is being sold and read! Oh, may God yet revive His church in our needy day!

“Of making many books,” Solomon wrote, “there is no end” (Eccl. 12:12). No doubt several important volumes published in English since our last “book talk” of July 1989 have been inadvertently forgotten. May the above suffice for now. Buy as enabled, but especially read and pray for divine blessing.

May God bless profitable reading to all of us. May God arrest the unarrested, burden the unburdened, save the unsaved. May “tender plants” (that is, “babes in grace”) be instructed and led by the Spirit to renounce all self-righteousness and be enabled to lean hard on the blood-bought righteousness of Christ Jesus. May “young men” and “fathers” in grace experience the essence of “gezelschappen” with and through the “old writers” printed anew, and thereby “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen” (2 Pet 3:18).

Note: “p” following a price = paperback. Volumes not marked “p” are hard cover. Also, prices listed are in accord with publishers’ book lists for US funds. Books may be ordered from addresses provided throughout this article; for substantial discounts on most of the above titles, however, write Cumberland Valley Bible Book Service, P. O. Box 613, Carlisle, PA 17013. (Discounts are also available on several of the titles listed above from Bible Truth Books, P. O. Box 2373, Kalamazoo, MI 49003.)

Dr. J.R. Beeke is pastor of the First Netherlands Reformed Congregation of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 april 1992

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

“Gezelschappen” With Old Books Printed Anew (2)

Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 april 1992

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's