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Who Are Your Friends?

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Who Are Your Friends?

11 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

When we look back to one year ago when you held your last conference, I’m sure we all agree how quickly the time has flown by. But boys and girls, young men and young women, and older ones too, have we considered that we are also 365 days closer to the day of our death? And we all know what the Bible tells us—after death, the judgment. We are not asked if we would like to go or if we are ready to go, but at God’s appointed time each one is called from this world. Then we must stand before a holy God to give account of all our deeds done in the flesh, of all the blessings granted unto us, and of all the means of grace bestowed upon us to cause us to repent and turn from our sins unto the Lord.

As parents, we often hear our children wishing they were older so that they could do this or do that. Our young teenagers wish they were old enough to drive a car; others wish they were graduated from high school, etc. The future seems to hold so much for the young, or so they are led to believe. But sad to say, the young and even the majority of us as adults, are so filled with the world and have our stakes driven so deeply in the earth that we think, or so it seems, that we shall live forever.

The world is full of disappointments, and we soon find out in our life that there is nothing here that can give satisfaction. We look forward to a certain experience in our life, but the day finally comes, and then we are looking for something else again. And so our life flies away. “The world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.” May it by grace be our portion to have that privilege of Abraham, to dwell in tents. We know that this was the custom in the Eastern countries, but what I’m trying to say is that we should not become too attached to those things of this earth which shall all perish with the using. Labor to have that heavenly treasure. For God’s Word says, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Dr. G. Deur (1926–1988) served for many years as elder of the First NRC of Grand Rapids, Michigan. This reprinted address was spoken at the 1967 Youth Day Conference.

Since this conference is directed primarily to the youth of our congregations, I thought it fitting to say a few words about the friendships that we form and the associations we have with those about us. If you will read a few verses from the book of Acts, chapter 4, beginning with the 7th verse, you will find related how that Peter and John were examined by the rulers and elders of the people. And in the 13th verse of this chapter, we read, “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.” It is this verse that I would like to hold before you while considering these few thoughts on friends.

“And they took knowledge that they had been with Jesus.” Oh, what a testimony—a testimony even from their enemies! Their enemies could say nothing; their mouths were stopped. They had seen the lame man healed and had heard the testimony from his own lips. And now they beheld the boldness of Peter and John speaking with freedom and liberty in the face of all their enemies.

“They took knowledge that they had been with Jesus.” Friends, what can be said of our lives? Jesus said, “by their fruits shall ye know them.” We show by our lives which master we serve. We don’t always have to say so much, as deeds speak louder than words. There is a saying, “I can’t hear what you say because what you do sounds so loudly in my ears.” Oh friends, we know that we cannot earn salvation. It is a free gift of God. And the Bible states so clearly, “by the works of the law shall no man be justified before God.” But it behooves all men to serve the Lord, our Creator and Benefactor. And that same wonder which was performed in the hearts of Jesus’ disciples and of all God’s people is still possible today. “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Oh wonder of wonders, Jesus merited all with His own precious blood for all His dear people!

“They took knowledge that they had been with Jesus.” Thus you see, young people, we betray what type of people we are by the company we keep. Impressions and opinions can quickly be formed of us by the friendships we pursue and the associations we form. In James 4:4 we read, “Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” God’s Word cuts close!Children, do not associate with boys and girls who swear or take Gpd’s Name in vain. Warn them if you have an opportunity, for they have a soul too, but find other friends who have respect for God and His holy Name. Some may immediately say, “We can’t live all by ourselves,” which is true, but we should avoid keeping company with those who have no respect for the Word of God. I hear others saying that we should mix with them to try to persuade them to change their ways. If the opportunity and occasion arises, then it is always our duty to uphold the honor of the Lord and to testify of His Name. But to throw ourselves into worldly company is nothing but bringing ourselves into temptation.

The greatest trouble is that we all carry within us a wicked heart, prone to all evil. Boys and girls, you have all probably heard the little story of what happens if there is one rotten apple in a basket of good ones. What happens? It doesn’t take long before you see rotten spots in all the apples that come in contact with the first rotten one. Satan comes into the heart to persuade us that there isn’t so much wrong with doing this or that, and the next thing we know our own evil hearts agree with it and are plunged into sin. Only an almighty power can restrain us. We have such a nice example of godly fear in the story of Joseph, when Potiphar’s wife tried to make him fall into sin. He said, “How can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?” Be careful that you do not place yourselves into temptations, and then expect to come through in your own strength.

In our day education is necessary, but what a lot of problems it brings with it. Parents are afraid to send their children off to college, and they have good reason, especially in our day when morality is thrown to the wind and God’s commandments are trampled upon. Where is the teacher or professor who still upholds the teaching of the Bible? Now even in our so-called Christian colleges there is a teaching of atheistic evolution. They are taught that we should not believe anything until it has been researched, in other words it has to be rationalized even though they have to begin with a hypothesis. Those who have not left the Word of God in name are now trying to explain the Bible through science instead of interpreting science through the Bible. Oh, young people, there are many things in the world that we will never be able to understand. Can man, who is but dust himself, understand his great Creator? What judgments are on the way when we pull the honor of God down and set man on the throne! In 1 Corinthians 1:19 we read, “For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?”

Stay by the Word of God. Let man say what he wishes. We do not have to answer to man but to a holy and an all-knowing God. “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD” (Jeremiah 17:5). You will be ridiculed and scoffed at, but beg the Lord to give you strength and courage to stand up for the Word of God, and to hold His Name in high esteem. Perhaps some of you have learned the little verse,

Dare to bea Daniel,
Dare to stand alone,
Dare to have a purpose firm,
Dare to make it known.

I hope we may all learn more of our own inability, and that we may ask the Lord to uphold us and to lead us in the right way.

And again speaking about friends, some of our so-called religious friends can be our greatest enemies. That does not mean we cannot associate with them, but beware of their doctrines. The devil uses religion probably more in our day to deceive people than in any other day. Where is the separation between the world and the church? “Come out from among them, saith the Lord” (2 Cor. 6:1 7). The impressions of natural men are rapidly fading. We also see examples of this in the Bible. Lot’s wife was brought out of Sodom but perished; the rich young man inquired at the feet of Jesus, but went away sorrowful—a flash of conviction gone like a morning cloud; Felix trembled at the preaching of Paul. Oh young people, do not ignore the speaking of your conscience. Consider it a blessing that it still speaks. It is working to convince you of sin, that you might turn from your sins and seek the Lord while it is yet the day of grace. Do not let your friends entice you into sinful acts. Remember that an all-seeing God observes every action and knows every thought.

And you who have come to choose a partner for life, may I say just a few words to you? Our first mistake is that we do not make it a matter of prayer before God. How can two walk together except they be agreed, says the Bible, and nothing is closer than man and wife. The Lord can perform miracles and He will perform them, but seek out a partner who agrees with our doctrine and is convinced that it is the only way. Get things settled about religion before marriage and do not sell your soul for the flesh. Consider that we have a soul created for eternity, and what is this life compared to time that has no end? Hold the Word of God in the foreground. Do not neglect the means of grace. Make your home in a place where you can come under the pure preaching of the gospel.

In closing I wish to tell a little story which I read some time ago. There was a funeral of a very well-to-do Southern gentleman. The minister who spoke at the service was telling about all the things done by this man during his lifetime, and how he was now away from all sorrow, enjoying the blessings of heaven. After the service, an old servant of the man came to the minister and said, “I don’t think my master is where you preached him to be.” The minister said, “What makes you say that?” The reply was, “Well, sir, you know my master did a lot of travelling, and before he went on a journey, he would be busy the night before with his maps planning how he was going to get there and acquainting himself with the places he was to visit. He spoke much about his trips. He is now gone to an endless eternity, but I never saw him study his Bible, nor did I much hear him speak anything about it.” Oh, friends, if it isn’t our life here on this earth, let us not be so foolish as to assume that we will ever get to heaven.

“And they took knowledge that they had been with Jesus.” Boys and girls, young men and women, pray much that the Lord may remember you. In Proverbs 8:1 7 we read, “I love them that love Me, and those that seek Me early shall find Me.”

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 november 1990

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

Who Are Your Friends?

Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 november 1990

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's