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33 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten




To Rev. J. den Hoed of Rock Valley, Iowa by the congregations of Clifton, New Jersey; Lynden, Washington; and Fort McLeod, Alberta.

To Rev. H. Hofman of Sioux Center, Iowa by the Chilliwack, British Columbia congregation. To Rev. J.J. Van Eckeveld of Zeist, The Netherlands, by the Kalamazoo, Mich, congregation.


By Rev. J.J. Van Eckeveld of Zeist, The Netherlands to the Lethbridge, Alberta and Hamilton, Ontario congregations.

By Rev. H. Hofman of Sioux Center, Iowa to the Sheboygan, Wisconsin and Chilliwack, British Columbia congregations.

Call Accepted in The Netherlands

By Rev. C. Sonnevelt of Nigeria to Krimpen a/d Ijssel, The Netherlands.


On July 3, Rev. J. Spaans underwent surgery and is doing well. He was enabled to preach already the following Sunday. Prior to surgery he was encouraged from “Our help is in the name of the Lord who has made heaven and earth.” May the Lord spare His servant and our brother for many years to labor among us.



The Curatorium of our sister denomination in the Netherlands admitted the following students for theological training in preparation for the ministry: G. Clements (Valken-burgseweg 90, Elst); M. Karens (Dorpsstraat 155, Zoetermeer), W. Silfhout (Oranjelaan 30, Amersfoort), and A. Vermeij (Dwinger 10a, Emmen). The present students were promoted to their next year of study. Students C. de Jongste, W. Visscher, and J.B. Zippro were granted permission to speak an edifying word in the congregations. May the Lord’s blessing and favor rest upon all these decisions.



Mr. and Mrs. Arnoud Vergunst

1319 Lincoln Avenue

Pompton Lakes, New Jersey 07442


On June 26, 1990, the evening prior to the NRC Synod 1990, Dr. J. R. Beeke led a prayer service on Jonah 1:3–4 in the Grand Rapids (Crescent St.) sanctuary: “But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD, and went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. But the LORD sent out a great wind into the sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the sea, so that the ship was like to be broken.” The major theme was, “The Church’s Inescapable God.” The following points were expounded: first, Jonah deserting God; and secondly, God not deserting Jonah. The “but Jonah” of verse 3 was contrasted with the stronger “but the Lord” of verse 4, showing how such divine “storms” preach that God does not, cannot, and will not desert His elect Church. Sovereign grace shall prevail. Office-bearers were encouraged to “plod on” in their labors in the spirit of Hebrews 12:1–2, looking unto Jesus as the Author and Finisher of faith, who alone can make things well (through Calvary’s merits) and keep things well (through constant intercessions at the right hand of the Father).


As moderator of the calling church of Chilliwack, British Columbia, Rev. A. M. Den Boer opened the 1990 synodical session at 9:00 a.m. on June 27 with the singing of Psalter 351, the reading of Isaiah 49, and prayer. A word of welcome was extended to the delegates, visitors, and Holland’s advisory representative—Rev. J. C Weststrate.

The following special events which transpired since 1988 Synod were recalled: (1) The passing away of the following former officebearers: W. Suyker, Dr. G. Deur, D. Byl, R. Schelling, H. Dejonge, M. Van Driesten, C Over-eem, S. Frens, E. Schoneveld, and P. De Graff. (2) The arrival of Rev. A. M. DenBoer, who accepted a call to Sunnyside, Washington. (3) The departure of Rev. A. W. Verhoef, who accepted a call to Beekbergen, The Netherlands. (4) The emeritation of Rev. M. Heerschap. (5) The ordaining into the ministry of Rev. P. L. Bazen, who accepted a call from Grand Rapids to be sent out as a missionary-minister and is presently in Costa Rica to learn Spanish. (6) The 80th birthday of Rev. L. Kieboom. (7) The following church anniversaries: South Holland, 125 years; Kalamazoo, 100 years; Rock Valley, 75 years. (8) The following wedding anniversaries: Rev. and Mrs. Hofman, 35 years; Elder and Mrs. H. Bisschop, 55 years; Elder and Mrs. J. Beeke, 50 years; Elder and Mrs. J. Neels, 40 years. (9) Elders J. Beeke and L. Nieuwen-huyzen commemorated 35 years of service as elders; Elder J. Den Bok, 25 years. (10) Sheboygan dedicated a new church building; Chilliwack is constructing a new church; Rock Valley is building an addition. (11) The acceptance of Arnoud Vergunst as a student for the theological school on the day prior to Synod. In all these events—both joyful and sorrowful—we can observe our need for the Lord and the rapid passing of time.

Rev. DenBoer also stressed the need for teachers and our responsibility to stir more interest and incentive for this calling. (Later in the day this need surfaced again. It was revealed that in two areas—Chilliwack and Norwich—various plans were in place to give young people some financial assistance in pursuing teacher training. These schools were encouraged to let other school boards in the denomination know more precisely how they implement such assistance.)

Rev. DenBoer then spoke briefly on Isaiah 49:14–16, stressing that Israel’s and our real complaint should have been that we have forgotten and forsaken the Lord, rather than the Lord forgetting and forsaking His Zion. In verses 15– 16, God answers Israel’s complaint, affirming that He will never forsake His Church on account of His everlasting covenant. He has His elect Church engraven on the palms of His hands. Not because of us, but despite us, He will continue to build the walls of Zion (v. 16b).

With these edifying words, 1990 Synod was declared open.


The credentials were forwarded from the Classes, revealing the following brothers delegated to Synod (listed alphabetically):

1. Classis Far West: Reverend A. M. Den Boer; Elders J. P. De Bruin, J. Den Bok, G. Feyter, and J. Neels.

2. Classis Midwest: Reverends J. den Hoed, H. Hofman; Elders C Blom, J. Van Ginkel, and W. Van Voorst.

3. Classis East: Dr. J. R. Beeke, Reverends J. Spaans and C Vogelaar; Elders J. Beeke, N. Green-dyk, C Koudys, G. Moerdyk, L. Nieuwenhuyzen, D. Spaans, and G. Van Leeuwen.

4. The credentials of Rev. J. C. Weststrate as advisory representative from the “Gereformeerde Gemeenten” were also received.


Election of synodical officers resulted as follows: Rev. C. Vogelaar, president; Rev. A. M. Den Boer, vice-president; Dr. J. R. Beeke, first clerk; Elder J. Beeke, assistant clerk; Elder G. Moerdyk, treasurer.

After the officers took their respective places, the chairman acknowledged the delegates for their trust on behalf of the moderamen, and expressed the wish that we all might work together in a spirit of brotherly love.


The chairman gave an opportunity to Rev. J. C. Weststrate as representative from our Holland churches to convey greetings. Rev. Weststrate stated that when he heard the prayer service the previous evening and the opening remarks of Synod, he was convinced that the truths of free grace have not changed in our congregations notwithstanding all the changes transpiring in the world around us. He expressed the wish that Synod may rely in all its deliberations only on the changeless Jehovah.

Article V—ACTS OF 1988 SYNOD

The 1988 Synod minutes were approved without correction.


A letter of greeting from our missionary-minister, Rev. Peter L Bazen, was read by the chairman. The clerk was instructed to fax a letter of return greetings wishing our missionary-minister and his wife Cod’s continued support and blessings of grace.


A. Report of the Curatorium

It was reported that Student Greendyk satisfactorily passed his examination before the Curatorium on the previous day, and hence was admitted into his fourth year of our NRC Theological School. He was examined by his instructors, Rev. Vogelaar and Dr. Beeke, in the following subjects: Reformed Dogmatics, Catechetics, Hermeneutics, Exegesis, Bible History, Church History, Church Order, Liturgy, and Ethics. May the Lord continue to bless Student Greendyk with the anointing of His Spirit.

The Curatorium was also gladdened and humbled to be able to report that freedom was given to accept Arnoud Vergunst of Kalamazoo, Michigan into our theological school. He will be instructed by Rev. Vogelaar and Dr. Beeke.

May the Lord’s favor rest upon these decisions, so that our students may one day be eminently used as tools in their Sender’s hand to Cod’s glory, the edification of His children, and the conversion of the unconverted.

Synod confirmed the appointment of Rev. A.M. DenBoer as a Curatorium member. Elder J. Neels was voted as an alternate for Classis Far West (to replace Elder H. Vanden Dorpel).

Elder J. Beeke asked to be relieved of his duties as treasurer. He was thanked for his twenty years of service in this capacity. Elder C Koudys was appointed treasurer in his place. Hence, all monies collected for the Student Support Fund should now be forwarded to: Elder C Koudys, 7 Demeyere Ave., Tillsonburg, Ont. N4C 4Z2, Canada (519-842-9714). (J. Stubbe will remain assistant treasurer for Canada and Deacon C. Van Ciessen will remain assistant treasurer for the U.S.) With the addition of a new student, expenses will increase; hence, the congregations are kindly requested to provide additional monetary support. May the Lord graciously provide for our students, their families and instructors, as well as the Curatorium.

B. Report of Synodical Deputies of Articles 48–49

The following appointments were automatically made for Classis Far West deputies: Rev. A. M. DenBoer (as minister) and Elder A. H. Verhoef (as former alternate). In a duo placed before Synod, Elder J. Den Bok was voted as alternate to replace Elder Vanden Dorpel.

C. Report of Correspondence with Foreign Churches

The chairman expressed hearty thanks to the Dutch deputy, Rev. Weststrate, for all the monetary support received through their committee in the Netherlands on behalf of our schools. The clerk was asked to formalize this appreciation by writing a letter to the Deputies of Correspondence with Foreign Churches in the Netherlands.

A proposal from the Deputies for the “Relief Fund” in the Netherlands was read and the following action was taken: One contact person from each area where we have our own schools will work together with the committee and Rev. Den Boer (who was added by the recommendation of the parallel committee in the Netherlands due to his familiarity with their interests) to assess the degree of financial need in each area.

Rev. DenBoer was added as alternate to the committee.

D. Report of Denominational Delegates to the Governments of the United States and Canada

The U.S. committee will periodically attempt to pass petitions throughout the congregations on the most pressing moral issues of our times, while continuing to stress with our members that letters written individually are the most effective with legislators.

Rev. J. Spaans was added to the Canadian committee. Synod agreed to reimburse Chilliwack for expenses incurred in carrying out its synodical mandate.

E. Report of the Emeritus Fund

(Committee of Article 13)

In accord with the requests of this committee, Synod approved the following:

1. That the benefit allowance for the emeritus recipients be”increased by 8% over the present amounts.

2. That this increase be made retroactive to January 1, 1990.

May the Lord remember all our emeritus ministers, their wives, and ministerial widows in His tender mercy.

F. Report of the Inheritance Publishers

Synod approved the addition of Mr. J. Swets and Mr. G. Swets to the committee. The committee’s full membership will appear in the next Yearbook, D.V.

G. Report of the Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing Committee

The committee’s past work was acknowledged and its future goals were approved. A request was made to add Rev. A. Hoogerland’s volume on the Lord’s Supper to the list of volumes to be translated. The chairman promised to bring this request back to the committee.

To the committee’s four requests for synodical advice, Synod responded as follows:

1. Synod decided to proceed with the reprinting of John Vreugdenhil’s Bible History as it is presently translated.

2. Synod decided to print Rev. Kersten’s Heidelberg Catechism in a corrected translation in one volume to save costs.

Due to the large costs involved in printing projects such as #1 and #2 above, it was decided to ask congregations to order and pay for these volumes in advance.

3. Synod decided to reprint the back of the Psalter so as to change all non-KJV textual quotations to the King James Version. Textual references to the various doctrinal standards will be written out in full. An attempt will be made to find and incorporate a good translation of the rest of our Dutch liturgy (such as the prayers, etc.). The whole is to be printed as a separate hard cover book as well as to be placed in future editions of our Psalter.

4. The committee’s request to add Rev. J. den Hoed (as clerk), Elder H. Roelofs, and Deacon R. Westrate to the committee was approved.

H. Report of the Banner of Truth Committee

Some comments and suggestions regarding the Banner of Truth were made. [Synod then recessed for lunch. Rev. J. C Weststrate closed the morning session with prayer, also asking for a blessing upon the meal. After the meal, Dr. J.R. Beeke read Psalm 99 and asked for a blessing on the afternoon session.]

In order to provide some assistance, the editor requested Synod to appoint Rev. C Vogelaar as assistant editor, since the typesetting takes place in New Jersey and he has already been involved for some time with proofreading. This request was approved. Synod also approved the appointments of Elders G. Kwekel and H. Roelofs to the committee and charged them with the responsibility of administering the Banner of Truth Tract Mission efforts.

I. Report of the Banner of Truth

Tract Mission

Elder G. Moerdyk explained the Banner of Truth Tract Mission’s relationship to the Banner of Truth as a subsidiary committee and gave a report of the Tract Mission’s future goals of seeking to have our ministers write tracts geared for particular areas and/or audiences. The Mission Board agreed to continue to financially support the worthy labors of the Tract Mission, but donations and/or collections from individuals and congregations are also needed. These should be sent to: Banner of Truth Tract Mission, 540 Crescent N.E., Grand Rapids, Ml 49503.

J. Report of the American General Mission Board

The chairman of the Mission Board answered a few questions on financial matters and gave a short report on the status of Evangelist B. Elshout, who is presently on leave of absence.

K. Report of the Mission Publication, Paul

No synodical instructions were given.

L. Report of the Student Support Fund

No synodical instructions were given.

M. Report of the National-International Disaster Fund

Synod added Rev. A. Den Boer, Dr. R. Johnson, and John Spaans, Jr. to the committee.

N. Report of the Savings Fund of the NRC in United States and Canada

The clerk was instructed to write the U.S. Savings Fund with regard to the possibility of providing post-dated checks.

O. Report of the Office-bearers’

Conference Committee

No synodical instructions were given.

P. Report of the Synodical Education Committee

The Committee was asked to bring to the NRCEA some ideas for discussion on how to assist teachers financially in preparing for a teaching career. Dr. L. Willekes was added to the committee.

Q. Report of the College Investigatory Committee

Synod requested the College Committee:

(1) To write the denominational school boards to encourage them to invite ministers to provide some in-depth training for our teachers in our denominational distinctives.

(2) To evaluate and report back to 1992 Synod, the Lord willing, relative to “the possibility of establishing a limited educational institution to assist in providing future qualified teachers for the NRC.”

R. Report of the Legal Advisory Committee

Synod took the following actions:

(1) Approved the present membership of the committee and added an ad hoc committee for Canadian representation consisting of Dr. Alex Moens, John Les, and Henry Jansen.

(2) Approved expenses incurred during the past two years and agreed to provide $1,200 for the coming two years.

(3) Approved and endorsed the committee’s objectives and activities after a member of the committee, Mr. D. Schipper, clarified a few matters, most notably, the term “denominational foundation” in section V of the report.

(4) Supported and approved the plan which has been developed with the Canadian Bureau to satisfy Revenue Canada.

(5) Made one minor change in the committee’s “Policy Statement” which is incorporated in Appendix 20 (namely from “NRC church leaders” to “Deputies of Articles 48 and 49”).

Rev. Den Boer asked about efforts that were to be made in obtaining a denominational identification number from the government according to the 1988 synodical minutes. Elder Moerdyk explained why these efforts have proved futile. Mr. D. Schipper added that future studies to examine the possibility of a “denominational foundation” (see point 3 above) may prove to work out something very similar. The Legal Committee will report back on this study to the 1992 Synod, the Lord willing.

S. Report of the Canadian Bureau of the NRC

After an explanation from Elder T. Verhey and a variety of questions having been answered, Synod approved the Canadian Bureau’s report in full, including its five concluding recommendations.


All changes in synodical appointments have been designated under Article VII (Reports), and will be incorporated in the 1991 denominational Yearbook, D.V. The chairman suggested the possibility of committees presenting duos for the Synod for future appointments.


A. Classis East

1. Classis forwards the request of the Macedonia Mission Society to become a synodical, rather than classical, society, since their labors are used throughout our congregations in all Classes.

Elder N. Greendyk gave a report on behalf of the Macedonia Mission Society expressing their concerns for the future due both to the age of Mr. John Van Grouw who has labored faithfully for so many years on behalf of the Society, and to the financial need resulting from increased expenditures on account of having to use a professional printer. Presently, “blue book” sermons cost approximately 60 cents each to produce. It was pointed out that some of the congregations regularly receive a substantial supply of these without contributing to the expenditures. For these reasons, among others, the Society requests synodical status since the entire denomination benefits from their worthy labors.

After hearing this report, Rev. J. Spaans made a motion that the work presently being done by the Macedonia Mission Society become synodical in the following way:

(1) That the work being done with Vreug-denhil’s Bible and church histories in foreign countries become the financial responsibility of the Mission Board and be placed under their jurisdiction. Since there is no end, humanly speaking, to the amount of material of this nature, that can be sent to foreign countries the Mission Board will work with the Society to determine how much financial assistance should be granted to this cause.

(2) That the “blue book” sermons be placed under the supervision of the Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing Committee. In this way, the sermons will be both proofread and approved.

After both of these proposals were unanimously accepted, Synod welcomed the Macedonia Mission Society as a synodical committee. Appreciation was expressed for the many labors performed in the past. All the congregations are encouraged to remember this cause with regular collections.

2. In order to be protected from possible lawsuits, Classis requests synodical approval of a legal and doctrinal statement with regard to denominational opposition to secret societies in general and to the Masonic Order in particular.

Synod concurred with Classis East in this concern. Both a legal statement in opposition to secret societies in general (drafted by the Legal Committee and entitled, “Membership Limitations,”) and a doctrinal statement opposing the Masonic Order in particular (drafted by Rev. C. Vogelaar,) which had been submitted to Synod via Classis East were approved with minor word changes. It was suggested that Rev. Vogelaar simplify the doctrinal statement and submit it to The Banner of Truth for publication.

3. Classis requests the consideration of the publication of sermons based on the Heidelberg Catechism.

Several proposals of series of Heidelberg Catechism sermons were forthcoming. It was reported by Elder G. VanLeeuwen that the Catechism sermons of Dr. Beeke are now completely ready. Proofreading has been finalized, and the set in its entirety is available from the Unionville consistory free of charge (though individuals or consistories are kindly asked to forward the copying costs of $90 per set). Elder VanLeeuwen reported that these sermons are being read with profit in Unionville and Bradford, as well as other congregations.

Dr. Beeke stated that he felt it was premature to publish these sermons, but would rather first receive suggestions back on them in coming years from various elders who may read them. Synod concurred.

Further, Rev. Vogelaar referred to a 1982 synodical decision (repeated in 1984) which requested the ministers to write Heidelberg Catechism sermons. The Book and Publishing Committee reported that only one catechism sermon has been received since 1982 (other than those of the clerk mentioned above). In support of the chairman’s proposal, Dr. Beeke suggested that a fresh attempt be made to ask all our ministers to combine efforts in producing another set of Catechism sermons (including the efforts of Rev. Verhoef who also has a set of sermons on the Catechism which is written in English but needs to be proofread). Synod approved this idea once again, and appointed Dr. Beeke to organize these efforts with the ministers. He will also contact Rev. Heerschap and Rev. Verhoef with regard to the possibility of including a number of their sermons on the Catechism. The ministers were urged to try to find time for the writing of these sermons due to the great need for Catechism sermons that speak to the issues of our dark and needy day.

4. In accord with 1986 Synod minutes, Article IX-A-2, Classis requests synodical approval of a Dutch synodical report relative to the baptism of adopted children.

This report—the gist of which is that if legal papers are received and parents promise to provide a Christian education, church members in good standing may have their adopted children baptized—was approved without objections. (Since at least one delegate did not have an opportunity to read this report, the possibility of presenting objections to this report via the next classical meetings was left open. If no objections are forthcoming, Synod will deem this report to be synodically authoritative.)

5. In accord with 1986 Synod minutes, Article IX-A-4, Classis wishes to forward a submission by the 1986 synodical moderamen relative to our denominational stand against female officebearers.

A submission paper, “Scriptural Teaching on Women in Ecclesiastical Office” written by Dr. Beeke, and cosigned by the 1986 synodical moderaman (Rev. den Hoed, Rev. Vogelaar, and Elder Beeke) was approved without changes. The clerk was asked by Rev. Den Boer to expand some exegesis on the textual references and submit the enlarged report for an article in The Banner of Truth.

In the discussion of this report a question surfaced with regard to accepting baptisms performed by female ministers. The clerk was requested to write the Deputies for Foreign Churches in the Netherlands with regard to this issue since our denomination both here and in the Netherlands should be one on this.

B. Classis Midwest

1. What is the official status of the group in Australia?

a) Is it a “mission post” or a “branch of Sioux Center” or something else? b) Does the Mission Board have the official oversight, or do we?

c) We respectfully ask the Synod for clarification on matters and anything else that might pertain to this group.

Although the Mission Board pays for the travel and services of the minister who serves the Australia group and the New Zealand congregation due to the large expense involved, the chairman of the Mission clarified that the Australia group remains a branch of the Sioux Center, Iowa congregation. Hence, Sioux Center has the official oversight of this group and should maintain regular correspondence with the Australia group.

Rev. Hofman was appointed to serve in Australia and New Zealand sometime near the end of this year or the early part of 1991. (Rev. Kuyt was appointed alternate.) Rev. Spaans stressed that ministers appointed to serve Australia and New Zealand should try to spend four Sundays there. In the event that they are limited to spending only three Sundays there, two of these must be spent in Australia as this group is under our North American jurisdiction.

2. Could our ministers (and perhaps other office-bearers who might have some expertise) develop a booklet or book that gives counsel for various personal needs of members, so that all could benefit from ministers’ accumulated experiences?

Background to Point No. 2:

There is a great need for various kinds of personal instruction and counseling in our congregations, expecially with the lack of ministers. Would it be possible for the ministers (and perhaps others) to work together to put into booklet or book form knowledge they have gleaned from counseling experiences and other resources? Although there are some “good” resources available by other writers, we need counsel that reflects our distinct beliefs about man and God. We are sure that our few ministers have to deal with similar problems time after time, and by writing down some basic guidelines and sharing some common experiences, might, with God’s blessing, allow their usefulness to spread beyond the local congregation they shepherd.

Suggested Chapters or Topics:

• Counsel for teens and young adults

• Counsel to engaged couples

• Counsel for married couples

—Maintaining and strengthening marriage bonds

—Scriptural pattern for married couples

—Exposition of the marriage form

• Counsel for the aged, widowed, handicapped, or lonely (separate topics?)

• Counsel for the depressed

• Counsel for those with financial difficulties • Counsel for those entangled in habitual sins (alcohol, drugs, other vices)

Perhaps the ministers could work together to temporarily relieve each other, one at a time, of some of his denominational duties (writing articles, committee work, etc.) to free him to write a chapter or topic on his special area of interest or knowledge. Each, taking a turn, could then together produce a work that people can have ready access to for reference. Articles in our monthly periodicals, by contrast, are often laid aside and lost to memory in time of need. This work might also contain a bibliography at the end to suggest “further reading” in books that might be useful, with cautions where appropriate.

It was agreed that this project be turned over to the Book and Publishing Committee who will try to publish a paperback addressing some of the issues expressed above. One appropriate article for this volume has already been received from Rev. Hofman. The clerk asked Rev. Den Boer to provide a list of possible sources for relevant material to be translated from past Dutch publications. Rev. den Hoed stressed that the articles written should focus on the teachings of Scripture.

C. Classis Farwest

No points for synodical review.


Total expenses for Synod were $11,554.00. The treasurer read the prorated shares to be paid by respective congregations.


With the exception of a few committees, which have synodically approved auditors, Synod again confirmed Boerkoel and Boerkoel to continue to serve as denominational auditor.


The calling church for 1992 Synod will be Norwich, Ontario. Synod will convene, D.V., on the last Wednesday of June (and, if necessary, on Thursday), 1992. Rev. H. Hofman was appointed to conduct the synodical prayer service on the prior Tuesday evening, with Rev. C. Vogelaar as alternate. The synodical Office-bearers’ Conference will be scheduled for Thursday of that week, leaving the Tuesday free for the Curatorium meeting.


In concluding Synod 1990 at 6:00p.m., the chairman, Rev. C. Vogelaar, on behalf of the moderamen, thanked the delegates for their cooperation. A special word of appreciation was extended to Rev. J. C Weststrate for his presence on behalf of our sister denomination in the Netherlands. The calling church of Chilliwack and the host church of Grand Rapids were also thanked for the services rendered on behalf of 1990 Synod.

The chairman closed Synod by speaking a few words from Acts 4:31, “And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.” He expressed the wish that we might also be granted such urgent, fervent, humble prayer. May the Lord grant us to realize that we come short in all things, for we are like Jonah—unfaithful servants. It is of God’s mercies that we are not consumed. Our only hope is that this covenant-keeping God, who is the Headstone of the corner and the Foundation of the church, is the same yesterday, today, and forever. May God’s kingdom come to the ends of the earth, and may we be driven to that only Name (Acts 4:12) in these last days, looking forward to that time when a triune God will be all-in-all.

As elder from the calling church of Chilliwack, J. Den Bok closed 1990 Synod with the singing of Psalter 428:8 and prayer.

Rev. C. Vogelaar, president

Rev. A. M. Den Boer, vice-president

Dr. J. R. Beeke, clerk

Elder J. Beeke, assistant clerk

Elder G. Moerdyk, treasurer


At 10:00 a.m., the morning following Synod, Dr. Beeke opened the Office-Bearers’ Conference with the singing of Psalter 348 and prayer. Rev. H. Hofman addressed us on “Brotherly Unity in Love” and answered several questions. Elder G. Kwekel spoke on “Office-bearing by Example.” Both topics were well-attended and well-received. Dr. Johnson closed with prayer. (Both tapes, as well as the synodical sermon, are available from “The Tape Room,” 540 Crescent NE, Grand Rapids, Ml 49503, at $2.00 each.)


On June 30, 1990, the Annual Youth Day Conference, sponsored by the Clifton, NJ congregation, was held at the Franklin Lakes church. Rev. C. Vogelaar opened the day’s activities with the reading of 2 Chronicles 33:1–19 followed by prayer and a short word of welcome. Roll call revealed representation from several churches of the Classis, including a few young people from the Netherlands. Approximately three hundred youth were in attendance.

The first topic of the day, “What Is A Biblical Conversion,” was presented by Rev. Vogelaar. By referring to the life of Manasseh as his background illustration of a true conversion, Rev. Vogelaar stressed the need of the internal call and the renewing of our heart. The life of Manasseh clearly depicts man’s depraved condition by nature, while also revealing the work of regenerating grace in his heart and life after conversion. Self-knowledge, conviction of sin and of Cod’s justice and righteousness are essential elements used in producing a realization of our separation from God. Faith and repentance were clearly defined as imperative in the work of conversion whereby Cod’s Word is believed, both the threatenings and the promises. Rev. Vogelaar emphasized the way of deliverance through the only Mediator, the Lord Jesus Christ.

After Rev. Vogelaar answered questions, Joanne Heykoop narrated the poem, “Jehovah Tsidkenu” by R.M. M’Cheyne.

Evangelist B. Elshout spoke on “Election: The Friend of Sinners.” Mr. Elshout opened his presentation be defining common arguments which readily reveal our hearts to be at enmity with election, thereby making it a stumbling block. In an effort to dispel these notions, Mr. Elshout outlined his topic using five themes. First, Election and the Reality of our Fall, emphasized fallen man’s hostility towards Cod’s absolute sovereignty. It was stressed that God owes man nothing and that reprobation is justly deserved by every sinner. Election: the Wondrous Manifestation of the Character of Cod argued that election, as decreed from a Cod of infinite holiness and righteousness, declares Him to be a Cod of infinite love. Election is the creating Cod’s decree of re-creation. Contrarily, Satan’s devious obsession with misrepresenting the character of Cod was effectively illustrated. The third theme focussed on the reality that Cod Primarily Executes Election Within the Confines of the Church. Many of our gospel privileges were highlighted, each being followed by this repeating theme and cause: “Good and upright is the Lord.” Election: Cod’s Eternal Initiative Towards Fallen and Totally Depraved Sinners pointed to our miserable existence and future destiny if there is no divine intervention. In this light, election was so clearly portrayed as Cod doing for sinners what they never will or can do for themselves. Mr. Elshout’s concluding theme, Election: Your Encouragement to Seek the Lord, placed special emphasis on election being part of the revealed will of Cod and that it is unconditional. Strong arguments were then presented to encourage us to seek this electing Cod.

Mr. Elshout answered several questions and closed the morning session with prayer. A delicious and accommodating lunch was served by the Dorcas Guild of the Clifton congregation.

Dr. J.R. Beeke opened our afternoon program with prayer. Elder C. Moerdyk, from Kalamazoo, led a Bible Quiz for the younger children. After mentioning specific themes, phrases, or events, the children were asked to give the name of the Bible character to whom these things related. The children responded well.

Dr. Beeke presented the third and last topic of the day, ‘The New Age Movement and You.” The New Age Movement (NAM) may be defined as a conglomeration of many overlapping sects, philosophies, and religions which express an old, but widening worldview that man is god, is self-sufficient, and is transcending to the cosmic realization of human divinity (see Sept. ‘90 Banner of Truth for detailed explanation of this important subject). NAM’s whole emphasis lies in attaining a “self-god” consciousness which ultimately leads to oneness in world government, whereby a glorious, earthly state supported by human structures will be ushered in. Dr. Beeke indicated that approximately sixty million Americans are aligned in various ways with NAM. The past six years have marked an alarming acceleration making NAM the fastest growing religious system in the United States. The manifestation of the spirit of antichrist so completely permeates this movement that it poses a real and immediate threat to the true church of Christ. NAM philosophy represents a transition from secular humanism to cosmic humanism. The consequential dangers of this humanism were defined: the abolition of all scriptural institutions and laws, the increasing evidence that the antichrist shall come out of this movement, and the future persecution of true believers. Dr. Beeke strongly emphasized that except for the intervening grace of Cod, this antichrist movement will succeed as it has global appeal to man’s depraved heart. He concluded with the serious warning that we are in the latter days, encouraging us to make haste for our lives, seeking refuge in Jesus Christ who will usher in the true “new age.” After questions were answered, Elder J. Vander Wiele of Clifton closed our conference with fitting remarks and prayer.

Many youth attended an enjoyable picnic supper held at nearby Hofstra Park. Sunday evening sing-alongs were held independently in the Franklin Lakes and Clifton churches.

Sincere thanks is expressed to the Clifton consistory and congregation for their support and contributions to our conference. Appreciation is also extended to all who gave of their homes and time to accommodate guests or helped in any way. A word of thanks goes to all the young people for their cooperative spirit and good behavior.

Tapes of the conference may be obtained from “The Tape Room,” First Netherlands Reformed Congregation, 540 Crescent St., NE, Grand Rapids, Ml 49503. Enclose $2.00 per topic; or $6.00 for all three. May the Lord graciously crown these efforts with His indispensable blessing.



50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY — The Lord willing on September 26, 1990 our dear parents, Mr. & Mrs. Dick Bleeker, hope to commemorate their 50th Wedding Anniversary. It is our prayer that they may be spared and blessed for years to come. 1115 North Main Avenue, Sioux Center, Iowa 51250.


VAN REE, Cora — Age 88; June 18, 1990; Grand Rapids, Ml; Daughters — Margaret (Mrs. John Vander Boon), Ruth (Mrs. James Boluyt), Jane Boluyt, Carol Averill; Brother — John Baas; Sister — Lillian Baas; 14 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren. (Dr. J.R. Beeke, 1 Cor. 15:26.)

BOOT, William C. — Age 41; July 3 1990; Grand Rapids, Ml; Wife — Lori; Children — Cindy and Billy; Mother — Mrs. Connie Boot; Brothers — Gerard, Robert, Jim, Tom; Sister — Elaine (Mrs. Robert VanKalker). (Dr. J.R. Beeke, Ps. 90:12.)

VAN KEKERIX, Jennie — Age 83; July 15, 1990; Rock Valley, Iowa; Husband — Andrew (deceased); Daughters — Adriana (Mrs. William Klarenbeek); Gracie (Mrs. Albert Van Grootheest; Daughters-in-law — Jeanette Van Kekerix, Marjorie Lems; Sister — Mrs. Hilda Faber; 18 grandchildren, 34 great-grandchildren. (Rev. J. den Hoed, Matt. 24:44a.)


CALVIN CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, Lethbridge/FL Macleod. Applications are still being sought for both the elementary and high school level. For more information contact the principal: Mr. A.H. Verhoef (403) 381-3030 — School; (403) 381–4434 — Home. Please send applications with references to the secretary of the school board: Mr. A.M. De Wilde, P.O. Box 142, Monarch, Alia., Canada T0L 1M0.

PROVIDENCE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, Kalamazoo, Ml, is accepting applications for several elementary teaching positions for 1990–1991 school year. Interested applicants are asked to contact either of the following: Mr. Gary Blok, Principal, 1328 Miller Road, Kalamazoo, Ml 49001 (616) 349-8295 or Mr. Dirk Schipper, 4732 East C Ave., Kalamazoo, Ml 49004 (616) 349–9448.

PLYMOUTH CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL, Grand Rapids, Ml is presently taking applications for a teaching position in English, as well as a possible combination of several other subjects. Qualified persons should send applications to the principal, Mr. Richard J. Ten Elshof, 965 Plymouth Ave., N.E., Grand Rapids, Ml 49505, (616) 454–9481.

REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, Norwich, Ont. For the coming year we still have one vacancy for Grade 4 or for the intermediate grades 7–10 (English and some other subjects). For more information or an application, please contact Mr. Henry Scholten, President, (519) 468–2714 or Mr. Martien Vanderspek, Principal, (519) 863-2403 (school) or (519) 863-3119 (home). Rehoboth Christian School, 43 Main St. E., PO Box 220, Norwich, Ont. N0J 1P0.

REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, Copetown, Ontario is seeking applicants for Principal, primary, junior and intermediate positions for the 1990–91 school year. Please send resume to the Principal, Rehoboth Christian School, Box 70, Copetown, Ontario LOR 1J0.

NETHERLANDS REFORMED CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, Rock Valley/Sioux Center, invites inquiries and applications for teaching positions at the elementary and secondary levels. Call or write Gary Bakker, (712) 439–2594, R.R. 2, Box 104A, Hull, Iowa 51239; Harold Schelling, (712) 722–1131, R.R. 1, Box 54, Hull, Iowa 51239; or the Netherlands Reformed Christian School, R.R. 1, Box 269K, Rock Valley, Iowa 51247, (712) 476-2821.


We wish to apologize for an inadvertently skipped line on page 119 (‘Tentecost and Personal Application”) of our May issue. After the quotation of Lord’s Day 21, the following sentence should read: “But this does not exclude the fact that the Word can be present while the Holy Spirit withdraws Himself. Christ Himself, the Supreme Prophet,” etc.


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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 augustus 1990

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 augustus 1990

The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's