Spiritual Darkness
In the Bible we read much about darkness. There is darkness in natural life. When the sun goes down it becomes dark. In Genesis 15:17 we read, “And it came to pass, that, when the sun went down, it was dark.” That was darkness in nature.
We wish to consider together spiritual darkness. In Genesis 15:12, we read: “And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him.” In this text we see the difference between darkness in nature, and darkness in the heart of man. It may be that in the night when it is dark roundabout us, it is light in our heart. In Psalm 42:8 we read, “In the night His song shall be with me.” It can also be the reverse in our life, that it is light in nature, but dark in our heart.
What do we mean by spiritual darkness?
In the first place we think of the fall of man. Of every man we must say that his understanding is darkened, and that he is estranged from God. Paul says to the Ephesians, “For ye were sometimes darkness.” By nature we are all subjects of the prince of darkness.
When we consider spiritual darkness now, however, we are not thinking of the condition of unconverted man. We want to confine ourselves here to the life of God’s children. Also in the life of God’s children it may be as dark as midnight. There is the darkness of doubt and unbelief. There is the darkness of not being submissive to the will of God, and to the way in which He leads them. There is the darkness of discouragement and weakness. There is the darkness of ignorance, foolishness and sin.
Rev. H. Hofman is pastor of the Netherlands Reformed Congregation of Kalamazoo, Michigan.
In natural life the sun can be hidden behind the clouds, so that it becomes dark. Man can do nothing about it. Those are the ways of God’s providence. Those ways can be so dark and incomprehensible. Think of Asaph in Psalm 73. He had no insight in God’s way, and the darkness of anger filled his heart. In natural life we ourselves can dim the light by closing the draperies, so that no ray of sunlight can enter. Thus God’s children themselves can be the reason why the Lord withdraws the light of His favor and communion.
There are many more reasons why the Lord causes darkness. There is also the sin of conformity to the world, the weakening of our love to the Lord, spiritual pride, living our life independent of the Lord, living in jealousy and strife with our neighbor, neglecting or using carelessly the means of grace, such as church attendance and the sacraments, neglecting prayer and Bible reading, and not going to Christ with all our needs, both temporal and spiritual.
Each of God’s children knows more or less of this darkness. We must be careful that we do not consider this darkness necessary. We may never rest in darkness. Darkness is never a characteristic of light, anymore than unbelief and doubt are characteristics of faith.
Spiritual darkness is a reality in the life of God’s children, but they must be delivered of it. Spiritual darkness is harmful to the life of faith. In Luke 11:35 Jesus says, “Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.”
In John 8:12 we read: “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying ‘I am the light of the world, he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.’ “
If by faith we live close to Christ, than that eternal light shall drive away the darkness. The light that Christ gives shall discover the darkness in us, so that we shall be ashamed of it, and be watchful against the works of darkness in our heart.
What damage does darkness do to spiritual life?
Spiritual joy is lost, the joy in serving the Lord. We attend the means of grace but are dry and unfruitful. Only in the light of the King’s countenance there is joy. And when we do not see the King in His beauty it is dark. Then there is no warmth in our prayers — sometimes they are even omitted. When it is dark we go astray easily, we may take the wrong road. David says, “I have gone astray like a lost sheep.” We seek it here and we seek it there, but not with the Lord. We also read that of David, that he did not ask the Lord. In John 12:35 Jesus says that he that walks in darkness does not know where he is going. Sometimes we think we are on the right way, but it proves to be the wrong way. There are so many ways that seem right to us, and especially in spiritual darkness we always overlook the One Way.
Christ says, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” The darkness shall continue until we have come to His light. How often we show that we love darkness rather than Light. We seek life much more in our tears and humility, and in the works of the law, than in Christ. And that is to the detriment of spiritual life, for all fullness dwells in Christ. He of God is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.
We can have neither light nor life without having communion of faith with Christ. We err in thoughts, words, and works if we are not led by the Spirit of Christ. When it is dark we do not see the pits and stones on the road, and we are likely to fall. Then the temptations of the world are strong upon us.
Spiritual darkness is sin. It is to the dishonor of the King and to the detriment of the soul.
Then we do not seek any more the things that are above, but rather the things that are below. How very noticeable these sad results of spiritual darkness are in the church of God! What a strong drawing power the world has, to take us away from the service of God! Then the things that pass away have so much value that it occupies our whole life. Then we do not fast, watch and pray. In Psalm 17 David says, “Concerning the works of men, by the word of Thy lips, I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer.” If we do not stand upon our watch-tower, the spiritual destroyers have an easy entrance.
Darkness is the time for the wild beasts of the forest to come out. Many animals are killed in their sleep by beasts of prey. Thus it is also in the life of God’s children. When it is dark in their life, Satan knows about it and makes use of it. Oh, how the heart of a child of God can be tossed to and fro, so that they fear they shall be swallowed up! All kinds of sinful thoughts arise in their heart. In times of adversity the heart is not submissive to God’s will. Their heart is hot within them. They do not agree with God’s way. Is that not dark? Unbelief and doubt fill the heart. Oh, when that unclean fountain of the old man opens up, you cannot tell what will come out of it! They begin to suspect the Lord in His love, His power and His willingness. They think hard thoughts of the Lord. How dark it was in Peter’s heart when his Master was taken captive. At that moment Satan laid hands on him to sift him as wheat. With curses and swearing he denied his Master. No, Peter never thought that he would land in such depths. Is darkness then not dangerous and harmful? Is there no reason to ask for deliverance from it?
We know that especially children are afraid in the dark, although older people sometimes also have that fear. When it is dark in the life of God’s children, their heart is full of fear and terror. God’s displeasure over sin oppresses them. They live under the impression of the wrath and judgment of God over sin. All the work they do to be reconciled to God by their own efforts, consumes their strength without any result. They are tossed about by tempest and not comforted as they go through the world. When spiritual darkness covers the soul, they bear no fruit. Their love declines. They do not stand fast in the faith. They do not persevere in hope. They are no ornament in the church. They are no leaven that leavens the whole lump. They do not rejoice in the Lord.
They are no city set on a hill. They are no shining light in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation. They are of no benefit to another, and an unconverted person cannot be jealous of their life.
Let us not ask for darkness, nor seek it, nor rest in it. Spiritual darkness is sin. It is to the dishonor of the King and to the detriment of the soul. By the goodness and wisdom of God all things shall work together for good to them that love God. By the ministry of the Spirit of God all those unfruitful works of darkness can serve to give to the child of God a discovery of his filth and corruption. May it bring us to the knowledge of it. May it send us to our inner chamber to humble ourselves before the Lord, and to beseech the Lord that by His Spirit He would bring us back to the Light.
Then we watch, strive and pray, not for darkness, but against darkness. By the light of the Spirit of God, darkness becomes sin and guilt, and we seek to be delivered of it.
That is possible by the grace of God. That is also God’s faithfulness. In Christ they are called to life eternal, and however much the prince of darkness seeks to prevent it, Christ has said, “No man shall pluck them out of My hand.” Only by grace and the power of the Holy Spirit shall the light shine again in darkness. That is firm and sure by virtue of God’s promises which in Christ are “yea,” and in Him are “Amen.” Isaiah spoke of it in the Name of the Lord, “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.”
It may be that someone who reads this understands what is written. It seems to be impossible that the light shall arise again for you. It is so long ago that you walked in the light of the living, that the love of Christ filled your heart and that the King brought you into His chambers, that your eyes saw the King in His beauty.
Perhaps you thought it would never become dark again. Gradually we become satiated. You did not need Him as much. You went on quite well without Him. Then it became dark in your heart, and now you think it will never become light again.
You fear that all that has happened in your life is only deceit. You think that such a darkness cannot consist with grace. We also said spiritual darkness is not a characteristic of grace. But it is also true that spiritual darkness is no sign that you have not received grace.
May that be an encouragement to you. Do not be depressed, and be not idle. Bow your knees and ask the Lord to clear the mists away. Confess your darkness to Him. That little spark of light that still glimmers in your heart may be revived by the breath of the Spirit. Use the means prayerfully, with both private and family prayers. You may be sure that if you neglect the means, the darkness will deepen. The Lord hears and sees you, even when you do not see or hear Him. We would point you to Him Who has descended into the deep darkness of being forsaken by God, so that those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death shall be delivered.
He will not forsake the work of His hands. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to lead the soul to Christ. What He was able to do once, He can also do again. He Who at first wrought faith in your heart, is also able and willing to strengthen your weak faith. The Spirit strengthens faith by the Word; and that Word testifies of Christ. In John 12:46, Jesus says, “I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on Me should not abide in darkness.”
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 oktober 1985
The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 oktober 1985
The Banner of Truth | 28 Pagina's