O Timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust. II Timothy 6:20
Of the Marks of the True Church, and Wherein She Differs From the False Church
The marks of the true church are mentioned in this article. Previously we have seen how the true doctrine must be preached in the true church. The second mark mentioned is that the sacraments must be administered according to the Lord’s institution. We will not say much about this second mark, as we hope to speak of them in later articles, D.V.
This time we will try to say something about the third mark, namely, “If church discipline is exercised in punishing of sin.” As a consequence of sin, church discipline is necessary; there must be order in the church as well as in the family and in the country. God is a God of order. In I Corinthians 14:40 we read, “Let all things be done decently and in order.” And in Matthew 18 the Lord describes how this discipline must be exercised. God’s Word is very clear about the discipline which must be maintained and which is so necessary for the welfare of the church.
Since the second world war there has, in general, been less strictness in the discipline in the families, which in turn has also had its effects in the schools. This is often stated in the opposite order, so that the schools are blamed for the revolutionary life of many young persons. We cannot deny that the schools have a great influence upon the youth in our days, but if we as parents were stricter, we could, with God’s help, offset much of this influence. In general we are too busy with many other things, and forget our main task in bringing up our children, for whom, as Solomon says, we may not spare the rod. Governments, judges, the military services, etc., all have become more lenient, and I think that this has had its influence on church discipline as well. However, the main reason has not yet been mentioned, and that is the backsliding from God’s Word.
No longer is the Word of God the center of our life, and then the next step is to forget the Law. We can see what a disorder there is in our society with being lenient, and it should be a warning for all churches that this shall also be the case with them in the future if church discipline is not maintained. Moreover, the Lord will withdraw Himself if sin is no more punished. In His law He has revealed His will, and His will is good; when we will not walk according to it, then His anger will be kindled against us. Discipline must be maintained to honor God, as He hates sin; it is also, we repeat, necessary to the welfare of the church.
Our article summarizes these marks by saying, “In short, if all things are managed according to the pure Word of God, all things contrary rejected, and Jesus Christ acknowledged as the only Head of the church.” This includes everything in respect to the Truth, but it also emphasizes that Christ is the Head of the church. Although He ascended on high and sitteth at the right hand of the Father, He is the Head of the church, always working to their benefit, as described in Lord’s Day 19. That Christ is the Head of the church is partially denied by Rome, as they make the Pope the vicar of Christ. This doctrine gradually found entrance in the church of Rome during the eighth and eleventh centuries, but is clearly against the Word of God. The church militant has an invisible Head, and there is no basis given in God’s Word for the doctrine of Rome, which nevertheless they still maintain.
Rome misuses and misinterprets Matthew 16:18, where it is written, “And I say unto thee that thou art Peter, and upon this rock will I build My church.” For the word ‘rock’, they use the word ‘petra’. They then reason that petra and Peter are the same, but this a human invention to justify their error and make the popes the successors of Peter. The word ‘rock’ used in the above text refers to Peter’s confession. How much better it is that the church has an invisible Head in heaven. He knows of all their needs and is ready to help. Stephen saw Him standing at the right hand of God the Father. This is an inexpressible comfort for the church militant, who have no rest here in time. They may know that their Head is also watching the enemies who are trying to destroy them and that these enemies will not overcome.
Thus we have tried to explain something about the marks of the true church. Has this any value for us today? What is the condition of many so-called ‘Reformed’ churches in our days? Are there guidelines as to where we may find these marks and where they are not to be found?
There are many who no longer bow before God’s Word. Atheists are allowed to become ministers, elders, deacons; women may also be office-bearers. In the administration of the sacraments, an historical faith is considered to be sufficient. Children of members and non-members are baptized, and no discipline is maintained. Others no longer believe the first chapters of the Bible, saying that it is only symbolical language and not real history when it speaks of the creation and fall of man. Many speak of presupposed regeneration of all children, saying that they must only show this in their life and they will be saved. Every member is a child of the covenant and must take part in the Lord’s Supper. We have to say with sorrow that the marks which our fathers have given us in this article based upon God’s Word have become very vague or have disappeared. It is sad to write this, knowing that these churches have had an influence in the past century here in our country.
The preaching of the three covenants has had a great influence, often leading to the denying of man’s state of death. When we leave any ability in man to do something for his own salvation, then we are going in that direction. The responsibility of man is over-emphasized and the sovereignty of God is under-emphasized. I read in a sermon on John 15:11 that a certain minister said that the Lord does not want sad people, but that they should be joyful. But how? Does the Lord not work a sorrow?
Friends, I wish I could write differently about the churches, but it is a sad time. The next time, D.V., we hope to go further. But we should not forget ourselves. Be careful that we not say with Jeremiah’s contemporary, “Trust ye not in lying words, saying: The temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, are these.”
Rev. A.M. Den Boer
Norwich, Ontario
Dear Boys and Girls,
For many of you the end of the school year and also the end of the catechism classes for this season are near, or have already been reached. You have been taught many things, but of special importance are the things of God’s Word. I hope you still remember many of those things which you have heard. No doubt you have all heard the parable of the sower and his seed, as was told by the Lord Jesus. If you haven’t, ask your father and mother to read it to you. The seed being sown was the Word of God, but we are told that it fell into different places.
What has happened to the seed which was sown in your school and in your catechism class? Has it been picked away by the birds, as the parable describes it, or perhaps choked out by other things? 0, ask the Lord for His blessing upon the things you have heard about His Word, also that which you hear in church from week to week and which you read or hear at home. How necessary it is that it be brought within our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
The apostle Paul gave some instruction to Timothy in a letter which he wrote. It is in this letter that you will find the words spelled out by our answer this month. It is in II Timothy 3.
Before departing into heaven, the Lord Jesus told His disciples, “Go ye therefore and _______ all nations.”
In the 22nd chapter, Jeremiah cried out, “O earth, earth, earth, _______ the word of the Lord.”
In one of the seven letters in Revelation, John wrote to those who say, “I am rich and _______ with goods, and have need of nothing.”
They did not know that they were wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and _______.
The child Samuel _______ on, and was in favour both with the Lord and also with men.
Paul wrote to Timothy, “From a child thou hast known the holy
Stephen told that Moses was learned in all the ________ of the Egyptians and was mighty in words and in deeds.
In the book of Chronicles we read, “The Lord spake to Mannaseh and to his people, but they would not _______.”
Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you _________.”
In Psalm 34 ‘the psalmist said, “Come, ye ________ , hearken unto me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.”
Who brought her young son unto the house of the Lord in Shiloh?
Paul wrote to Timothy of some who were “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the _______.”
Jeremiah wrote (chapter 3), “The ________ is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?”
The angel told Cornelius, “Peter shall tell thee what thou ________ to do.”
In all matters of wisdom and __________,. King Nebuchadnezzar found Daniel and his friends ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers.
In the first chapter of his book, Haggai said twice, “Thus saith the Lord of ________, Consider your ways.”
Solomon’s advice in Proverbs was, “In all thy ways ________ Him; and He shall direct thy paths.”
Samuel said unto the people, “Prepare your hearts unto the Lord, and ______ Him only.”
God’s command to Adam was, “Of the ________ of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat.”
The Lord Jesus spoke to His disciples about the Pharisees, saying, “Let .them alone. They be blind _______ of the blind.”
To whom did Paul say, “Wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?”
To whom did Elijah say, “I have not troubled Israel, but thou, and thy father’s house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the Lord?”
The sons of Jonadab, the son of ________ were commended by the Lord in that they obeyed the commandment of their father.
Solomon said to young people, “Remember ___________ thy Creator in the days of thy youth.”
Timothy had a God-fearing mother whose name was __________.
Joshua said to the people, “Take ________ to do the commandment and the law.”
(Your answers should be sent to Garret J. Moerdyk, 5211 Woodmont Drive, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001.)
The answers to the quiz of last month are as follows:
“Men and Brethren, What Shall We Do?” Acts 2:37
Man - John 19:5
Elias - Mark 15:34–35
Nazareth - John 19:19
Alexander - Mark 15:21
Numbered - Mark 15:28
Dream - Matthew 27:19
Barabbas - Matthew 27:21
Reed - Matthew 27;29
Envy -Matthew 27:18
Truly - Mark 15:39
His - Luke 4:32
Rend - John 19:24
Emmaus -Luke 24:13
No - John 19:6
Water - John 19:35
Heart - John 24:32
Accusation - John 18:29
Thus -Luke 24:46
Simon - Luke 24:34
Hands - Luke 24:38–39
Arimathaea - John 19:38
Lord - Acts 2:36
Lest - Matthew 27:64
Wicked - Acts 2:23
Every - Acts 2:38
Dead - Matthew 28:4
Only - Jeremiah 3:13
Answers were received from the following boys and girls:
Becky Spaans Jeff Rosendall
Diane Spaans John Spaans
Kristi Rosendall John VanGemert
Rachel Rosendall Julie VanGemert
Daniel Markus
Lisa Markus
Tammy VandenToorn
Ross Derksen
Liz VanGiessen
Joan VanGiessen
Linda Bazen
Karen Bazen
James Bazen
Elaine Frens
Jim Kraayeveld
Elizabeth VanderWiele
Lois Heerschap
Bill DenDekker
Sheila VanVeldhuizen
Audrey VanVeldhuizen
Rhonda VanVeldhuizen
Lisa Hoogendoorn
Shelley Hoogendoorn
Jeff Boot
Jeremy Boot
Kevin Verbeke
Mariene Vandenberg
Edward Vandenberg
Doreen Vandenberg
Steven Johnson
Dwayne Johnson
Christine Bylsma
Stan Bylsma
Cindy Markus
Aimee Engelsma
Dave Engelsma
John Overeem
Sheryl denHoed (3)
Sharon Kae denHoed (3)
Kristi Boluyt
Rich TenElshof
Nora Jane Knibbe
Jeffry Knibbe
Albert Oudshoorn (2)
Alan Oudshoorn (2)
Marvin Oudshoorn (2)
Carolin Oudshoorn (2)
Jacob Slingerland
Francina Slingerland
Herman VanderMeulen (2)
Ann VanderMeulen (2)
Benjamin VanderMeulen (2)
David VanderMeulen (2)
Karl VanderMeulen (2)
Becky Markus
Vicki VanGemert (2)
Ray VanderKooi
Scott Van’tZelfde
Steven VanOostenbrugge
Karl VanOostenbrugge
Larry Roelofs
Dan Roelofs
Stacy Seabert
Michele Seabert
Kathy VanBemden
Mike VanBemden
Debbie VanBemden
Sally VanBemden
Paul Neels
Ed Neels
Carl Mast
Denise Ranae Erickson
Tim Erickson
Mark Erickson
Kay Ellen Erickson (2)
Rita Erickson
Janice Erickson
Mary Hendricks
Douglas J. Mol
Linda Talbot
Sharon Talbot
Mark Talbot
Leah Talbot
Laura Talbot
Craig Tanis
Steven Tanis
Jolene VandenBerg
Lyle VanRavenswaay
Norm VanRavenswaay
Gaylon Rozeboom (2)
Julie DeBruine
Randy DeBruine
Rob Nieuwenhuis
Alyce Nieuwenhuis
Tim Nieuwenhuis
John Lee Fluit
Randy Carlson
Richard Carlson
Steven Baum
Lisa Stalker
Sherry Fluit
Shirley Ann Fluit
Laura Troff
Joan Scholten (2)
Connie Scholten (2)
Cindy Hulshof
Eugene VanHoepen
Brian VanHoepen (2)
Karen Wesdyk
John Wesdyk
Mary VanGiessen
David VanderWaal
Jay VanVoorst
Judy VanVoorst
Rachel VanVoorst
Nita Lagemaat
Les Lagemaat
Robert Lagemaat (2)
Tim Lagemaat
LeAnn Klarenbeek
David Klarenbeek
Arlen Klarenbeek
Darwyn Klarenbeek
Diana VanDeMoere
Denise VanDeMoere
Stephanie Kegel
Peter Eckhardt (3)
John Eckhardt (3)
Bob Boerkoel
John Boerkoel
Joanne Boerkoel
Chad Wielhouwer
Peter Bazen
Sharon Bazen
Ed Bazen
Dan Bazen
Kristi Lamain
Philip Schouten
Estella Schouten
Marcia Hubers
Harriet Hubers
Howard Hubers
Duane Hubers
Mary Hubers
Dave VanderWaal
Sheri VanderWaal
Lysbeth Kroesbergen
Curtis Maassen
Sharon Maassen (2)
Robert DeHoed
Judy denHoed
Artis denHoed
Mariene denDekker
Ken denDekker
Carolyn Sommer
Gary Sommer
Ingrid Sommer
Geoffrey Erkelens
Anita Schouten
John Schouten
LeAnn VanGinkel
Laura VanGinkel
Jelaine VanGinkel
Karen Jean VanGinkel
Steve Bleeker
Glen VanderKooi
Joel VanderKooi
Steve VanGemert
Rhonda VanVeldhuizen
Audrey VanVeldhuizen
Jason E. DeSmit
Michael Scott DeSmit
Julie R. DeSmit
Bert Dejong
Peter Dejong
Jacqueline Dejong
Nancy Dejong
Kenny Kanis
Debbie Kanis
Mary Rosendall
Kevin Rosendall
Dan Kwekel
Tom Kwekel
Laurie VanEss
Rick VanEss
Ronald Bertram (3)
Reineke Bertram (3)
Cheryl VandeStouwe
Myra B. VandeStouwe
Yvonne Kegel
Brian Kegel
Wayne VandeWaerdt (2)
Herbert VanDenHouten
Elizabeth VanderWiele
Leah Pluim
Rachel Pluim
Kathy Vroegindewey
Joy Vroegindewey
Teresa DenDekker
Peter VanderStel
Randy VanderStel
Carrie Witvoet
Debra Witvoet
Doug Post
Vicki Post
Jody Ann Ymker
Kathy Schelling
Brenda Schelling
Beth Schelling
Alan Greendyk
Harmen VanderMeulen
Elizabeth VanderMeulen
Sid VanderMeulen
Jack Neels
Marianne Neels
Margaret Karelse
Shirley Karelse
Karen Karelse
Michelle Karelse
Rosemary Kardux
Janet Kardux
Amy Beeke
Laurie Bleeker
Eddie Maljaars
Treena Kocken
Henry Scholten
Helen VanBrugge
May VanBrugge
Corry VanBrugge
? (Industry, Calif.)
Alisa Stam
Charles Stam
Neil Stam
Eva Herfst
Robert Herfst
Yvonne Herfst
Jo-Anne Herfst
Bill Kroesbergen
Henderika Kroesbergen
Franklin VanHoepen
? VanHoepen
Jeffrey Hamler
Ed Hamler
Ken Hamler
Leonard DenBoer
Peter DenBoer
Andy DenBoer
And now to answer the letters which we have received—
BRENDA SCHELLING - There is a long letter from you, Brenda, so I will start with your’s. How did your sister break her leg? You will no doubt be happy when you are settled again. Moving involves lots of packing and unpacking. Do you think you will like it there?
CHARLES STAM - It was nice to hear from you, Charley. Who is your teacher this year? Since we have met quite a number of the teachers in your school, we probably know your teacher also. What do you like best in school? —besides recess, of course.
JODY ANN YMKER - Do you have lots of animals on your farm, Jody? How far are you from the school now? In the Bible we read of some who were also farmers. Can you think of any? Perhaps we should have a quiz again about the different occupations in the Bible.
ANITA SCHOUTEN - The weather here can also be very changeable, Anita. A week ago we had some nice warm weather, but now it is quite cool again. It is a very great blessing if we may know the true meaning of Easter, not only to read and hear about it, but that in our heart the value of it may be felt.
DANITA ERICKSON - We are quite well, Danita. I have a granddaughter whose name is also Rachel. No, we do not live on a farm, so do not have any animals, but we do have a canary. Did you find the Bible quiz to be very difficult this time?
JOHN WESDYK - We hope none of our young friends will ever be a shoplifter, John. Even though one may not get caught as that man was, there is One who knows and sees all things. Do you know which of the commandments speaks against shoplifting?
NANCY DE JONG - Do you have a pond for the ducks to swim in, Nancy? That many ducks could be quite noisey, I would think. Are they easier to take care of than chickens? I’m not going to start a duck farm, but am just curious about raising them.
DAVID VANDER WAAL - This year I will be four times your age plus three, David. Can you figure that out? We are old before we realize it. The Bible says our years are as a tale that it told. How muck milk do you get from your cows every day?
CONNIE SCHOLTEN - We are glad to have you join in answering the Bible quiz, Connie. It would probably be much easier if we gave some hints as to where the answers could be found, but we do want you to learn to find them by yourself. Who do you have for your teacher at school?
ALISA STAM - I am not certain how many copies of the Banner of Truth are sent out, Alisa, but I think it must be about 2500. We hope each copy is read by four or five persons. If that is correct, then we have quite a few readers each month.
TREENA KOCKEN - Do you have lots of homework, Treena? The school year will soon end, and then you can put your books away again. I did not mean all books, of course, since there is one Book which we should use every day of the year. I’m sure you know which one I mean.
JANET KARDUX - It is nice to receive a letter from you, Janet. Be sure to say Hello to your teacher for us. Which of the animals do you take care of? We hope you may have a happy birthday, and that you may have many more of them. Do write again.
LOIS HEERSCHAP - Yes, Lois, we have Rev. Vergunst in Kalamazoo. We are glad to have our own minister again, and we hope he stays here for a long time. Perhaps sometime you will be able to take a trip to visit your grandparents in Lethbridge. How many miles is it from your house?
JACKIE DE JONG - Who ate most of those cookies, Jackie? What did you have on display for open house at school? We hope there aren’t any more broken collar bones at school. You would think it was contagious, just like measles.
PETER ECKHARDT - It was nice to hear from you, Peter. We hope your grandmother is somewhat better again. How old is she? There is much suffering in the world. We have sinned against God, and it is such a wonder that there is yet health and other blessings.
REINEKE BERTRAM - Did Mr. Groen have a safe trip to the Netherlands, Reineke? The book of Proverbs has much instruction in it, doesn’t it? It speaks to young people. How our prayer should be, “Lord, set our hearts on wisdom’s ways.”
JOAN SCHOLTEN - There are quite a few letters this month, Joan. Although it would be nice to meet each young person, it is also nice to hear from you by letter. Do you live near the school in Norwich, or do you live outside of town?
PAUL AND ED NEELS - There are other twins who answer the Bible quiz, boys, but I am really not certain how many. It is nice that you can do things together, especially after moving to another city. Have you found some new friends to take the place of those you left behind?
JOHN LEE FLUIT - We must be thankful that our president is able to do his work again, John. It could have been so different. Which of the ten commandments speaks against such things? It is not only doing harm to another person, but it is also sinning against God.
KAREN WESDYK - You remembered your Bible lesson which you had at school very well, Karen. The Lord Jesus healed many sick people, and often this was done by speaking to them or touching them. But He also healed the souls of many people and this we also need of Him today.
JOHN ECKHARDT - We were glad to receive your letter, John. It sounds like you have a nice family—three boys and one girl. How do you like school? I suppose each year the work is a little harder to do. There are so many things to learn about in school, so it does take a lot of work.
RONALD BERTRAM - You wrote that you had listened to a sermon about prayer, Ronald. There are many different prayers mentioned in the Bible. We only have to think about the prayer of the publican and the prayer of the thief on the cross. Can you think of some others?
ROSEMARY KARDUX - It is nice to have you join in doing the Bible quiz, Rosemary, and we hope that we may hear from you each month. We hope that all the boys and girls are learning things from the Bible which they will always remember, even when they become old.
DEBRA WITVOET - You have had several additions to your animal families, Debra. It must keep you quite busy taking care of them. The Lord created each animal with its own nature and characteristics. How are all the little ones doing?
PETER DE JONG - You will have to be careful when crawling under the camper, Peter. Do you plan to go camping this summer? Do you take long trips or just camp nearby? In Bible times some lived in tents their whole lifetime, as did also the Indians in our country. Do you think you would like that?
RANAE ERICKSON - How thankful we should be that we have a Bible to read, Ranae. There are many boys and girls, even today, who do not have one and have never heard about it. It is a book worth more than all the silver and gold which there is in this world.
NEIL STAM - What was your favorite subject, Neil? Or were there lots of favorite ones? At this time of the year we do hear much about the Lord Jesus and His suffering and death. It is not just a story like other parts of history, but was so necessary for the saving of His people.
MARK ERICKSON - How many chickens do you have on your farm, Mark? Do you have a large farm? I suppose there are lots of things to keep you busy on the farm after school and during the summer months. What make is your new tractor?
ESTELLA SCHOUTEN - It was nice to hear from you again, Estella. We are glad you liked the book. Mining of coal is a dangerous occupation, but also in the mines the Lord is able to protect the miners. Be sure to say Hello to Philip for us.
CARRIE WITVOET - Did you have a nice birthday, Carrie? We hope that you may have many more of them. As you look back, it doesn’t seem that a year is such a long time. What are you going to do during the summer vacation? Or don’t you have any plans?
TIM ERICKSON - Do you have quite a few rabbits, Tim? Your letter is the last one this time, and, as you can see, there were quite a few this month. We hope we may hear from all the writers again next month, and also a few other ones.
Many thanks, boys and girls, for your replies, and we look forward to meeting you again next month, D.V. May the Lord spare and protect us, wherever we are, wherever we go.
With love,
Your friend,
“Uncle Garret”
There are many warnings given against the media which serve the powers of darkness, and rightly so. Our people and also our families are being poisoned by that which we see and hear. It is unashamedly expressed and displayed, and also seen and heard without shame. Satan deploys his power and in a depraved way unfurls his banners.
However, there is still something to which I would direct your thoughts, and that is the reading matter which reaches our families. When persons have made confession and entered into marriage, family life begins. Almost every family reads a daily newspaper. Many also receive several magazines. It is of very great importance which newspaper we read and which magazines we select.
It should not be said that there is no reliable reading material. Although the situation is very sad in our country in regard to reading matter, there is yet trustworthy literature available. The duty of those who are establishing a family is especially to take care that our families are not later on poisoned by all sorts of ungodly magazines in which sin is freely spoken of and also described. It is a sad spectacle when one finds in the families a magazine rack in which are all kinds of corrupt magazines.
People proceed with the thought, “Each to his own!” But with great emphasis we want to point out that such literature does not belong in our homes and families. It is a mockery against our confession. We can never expect God’s blessing upon it, but certainly His displeasure. Among other things it becomes evident when later our children also imbibe this poison. For this the parents are responsible. “The eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing”.
There is something else which must not escape our attention, and that is the books which are in our bookcases. Perhaps there are many books in the families which receive another place than the bookcase because they do not dare to display them publicly. If a minister or an elder visits the families he can see by the reading material in the bookcaes what the family is. There are so many wrong books read by young people, and also by older ones. It is not known how many corrupt books are read by the young people, of which the parents know nothing about. They are secretly hidden away, but the Lord knows of them. His eye sees all things, and “all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with Whom we have to do.”
There are seditious, revolutionary books, sex books, ungodly romances with cursing and rough language; books in which dancing is promoted and the desecration of God’s day is spoken of with favor. There are also religious books, but of a kind which are not in agreement with God’s Word. It has happened more than once that through reading of wrong books a person has left the church, began to live an ungodly life, and finally suffered spiritual and moral ruin. There are also many books which, regarding doctrine, lead us astray. The choice of our books is very important. Consider your confession. When the Ephesians had received the Word of God, many which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men. The price of them was fifty thousand pieces of silver (Acts 19:19).
(to be continued)
Rev. A. Hoogerland
A number of ministers had gathered to discuss difficult questions, and it was asked how the command to ‘pray without ceasing’ could be obeyed.
Various suggestions were offered, and at last one of the number was appointed to write an essay on the subject to be read at the next meeting. A servant who was cleaning heard the discussion and exclaimed: “What! a whole month to tell the meaning of the text? Why, it’s one of the easiest and best verses in the Bible.”
“Well, well, Mary,” said an old minister, “What do you know about it? Can you pray all the time?”
“Oh, yes sir!”
“What! when you have so many things to do?”
“Why, sir, the more I have to do, the more I can pray.”
“Indeed! well, Mary, how do you do it? Most people wouldn’t agree with you.”
“Well, sir,” said the girl, “when I first open my eyes in the morning, I pray: ‘Lord, open the eyes of my understanding: and while I am dressing I pray that I may be clothed with the robe of righteousness; while I am washing, I ask to have my sins washed away. As I begin work, I pray that I may have strength for all the work of the day: while I kindle the fire, I pray that revival may be kindled in me; while preparing and eating breakfast, I ask to be fed with the Bread of Life and the pure milk of the Word. As I sweep the house, I pray that my heart may be swept clean of all its impurities; and as I am busy with the little children, I look up to God as my Father and pray that I may always have the trusting love of a little child—and so all day. Everything I do gives me a thought for prayer...”
“Enough, enough!” cried the minister, “these things are often hid from the wise and prudent and revealed unto babes, as the Lord Himself said.” “Go on, Mary,” he continued, “pray without ceasing. As for us let us thank the Lord for this lesson.”
Lord of heaven and earth, Bless these gifts of love so that our frail and temporal bodies may be strengthened thereby. Give us a sight of our spiritual poverty and inability so that we may hunger and thirst for the perfect righteousness of Thy beloved Son, to be washed and cleansed unto eternal life. Amen
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 mei 1981
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's
![A PERIODICAL FOR YOUNG AND OLD](https://www.digibron.nl/images/generated/the-banner-of-truth/reguliere-editie/1981/05/01/1-thumbnail.jpg)
Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 mei 1981
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's