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16 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Calls Extended:

To Rev. A. Vergunst, of Veen, the Netherlands, by the Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada, Congregation.

To Rev. A. Vergunst, of Veen, the Netherlands, by the Kalamazoo, Michigan, Congregation. Calls Declined:

To the Corsica, South Dakota, Congregation, by Rev. A.M. DenBoer, of Norwich, Ontario, Canada.

To the Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, Congregation, by Rev. J.J. VanEckeveld, of Zeist, the Netherlands.

To the Rock Valley, Iowa, Congregation, by Rev. C. Harinck, of Dordrecht, the Netherlands.

To the Sunnyside, Washington, Congregation by Rev. A. Vergunst, of Veen, the Netherlands. (In the June issue of the Banner we erroneously reported that Rev. Verhoef had been extended a call from the Sunnyside congregation.)

To the Fort Macleod, Alberta, Canada, Congregation, by Rev. A. Vergunst, of Veen, the Netherlands.

To the St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, Congregation by Rev. A. Vergunst, of Veen, the Netherlands.


July 16, 1980

A few days ago the Lord opened the way so that for the first time this year I was enabled to visit the churches in Iowa and South Dakota. Notwithstanding the hot weather, the Lord gave strength to preach, and to see and visit several old friends, and on the last day to meet with some members of the Curatorium, Rev. Verhoef, Rev. Kieboom, and Rev. Beeke, who also had meetings on the same day to discuss the work of our Mission and of the General Fund.

On Wednesday afternoon I arrived in Grand Rapids, where I later that night met my wife who had been visiting our children and grandchildren and other relatives and friends in the Netherlands.

The next day I was much surprised to receive a letter from an old friend in Iowa, in which I found a check of $1000 to be used for uninsured persons and for other purposes. For this we would give our sincere thanks both to the Lord and to the donor. I hope to distribute the money to the places and persons as needed. The Lord has gladdened our heart with that token of love. The training of a student also requires financing. May the Lord incline the hearts. We are looking forward!

Your well-wishing friend,

Rev. W.C. Lamain


Rev. L. Kieboom conducted the prayer service the evening prior to Synod, taking for his text Hebrews 11:24–26. His points were: (1) a refusing Moses, (2) a choosing Moses, and (3) an esteeming Moses.


Rev. Lamain opened the synodical gathering in behalf of the calling church of Kalamazoo at 9:00 A.M. A hearty welcome was extended to all the delegates, including the two representatives appointed by the Holland Synod to attend our gatherings: Rev. K. DeGier and Rev. A. Vergunst. Events that took place in the past two years were recalled, especially the passing away of the late Rev. VanZweden and several other former office-bearers. Also that Rev. J. Weststrate accepted the call to ‘s Gravenpolder, the Netherlands, and has left not only the congregation of St. Catharines, Classis East and Mid-West, but also America.

It was hard to accept it, but “Thy will be done.”

May the Lord send forth labourers into His vineyard.


Classis Far West: Rev. M. Heerschap, Rev. A. Verhoef, and elders J.P. DeBruine, J. DenHoed, and R. Wierks.

Classis West: Rev. J.R. Beeke, Rev. L. Kieboom, and elders J. Spaans, L. Stapel, and J. VanGinkel.

Classis East-Midwest: Rev. A.M. DenBoer, Rev. W.C. Lamain, and elders L. Baum, J. Beeke, J. DeBruine, A. Fintelman, G. Moerdyk, L. Nieuwenhuizen, N. VanderHave, and M. Vlietstra.


President: Rev. A.M. DenBoer

Vice-President: Rev. A.W. Verhoef

Clerks: Rev. J.R. Beeke and Elder J. Beeke

Treasurer: Elder G. Moerdyk (appointed)


The 1978 synodical minutes were approved with one minor addition.


A. Rev. Vergunst brought over the greetings from our sister churches in Holland.

B. A letter was read concerning a matter which had caused some confusion to which Synod responded by reminding committees of their duty with respect to a former synodical decision.


For several hours reports were reviewed and commented on from the following committees: Banner of Truth Publication Committee, Emeritus Fund, General Fund, Inheritance Publishers, National-International Disaster Fund, Savings Fund, Student Support Fund, Denominational Yearbook Committee, School Education Committee, Synodical Translation Committee, General Mission Fund, Curatorium, Deputies of Correspondence with Foreign Churches, Deputies of Representation with the Government, Psalter Review Committee, and a written report on the Reinstallation of Ministers.

Many minor decisions were made. A major decision was adopted with respect to the Mission Fund after a lengthy discussion concerning the situation in Haiti. The following proposal was adopted by Synod by a majority vote: “After the Synod heard several reports concerning the possibility of beginning a mission post in Haiti a decision was made not to begin with a mission post there due to conditions imposed by the government. However, if these conditions should be dropped the mission board has synodical approval to begin there or in some other nation where such conditions are absent.”


New appointments are as follows: (A) Curatorium: Rev. J.R. Beeke, Elder L. Nieuwenhuizen, and Elder R. Wierks. (B) Deputies for correspondence with the Government: Rev. J.R. Beeke, Rev. A.W. Verhoef, and Elder J.W. Beeke. (C) General Fund: Rev. J.R. Beeke. (D) Mission Board: Rev. J.R. Beeke. (E) Savings Fund: Mr. J. Honcoop.

Alternates for various committees were also added.


1. Due to the progressively worsening evils of television, the 1980 Synod decided the following:

(a.) That the former decision of the 1950 Synod remain in effect: “The Synod condemns the possession of a television set in the house or dwelling because it is in conflict with God’s Word and with confessions made before God and the congregation. The Synod’s conviction was uniform that strong actions and measures be taken against world conformity with respect to TV, which only leads to the destruction of family life. The consistories must continue to admonish with longsuffering but if they continue to renounce the admonitions of the official office-bearers, they must be placed under censure.”

(b.) In addition to the 1950 decision quoted above, Synod approved the following rule by a majority vote: “After several warnings Synod judges that consistories are obliged to proceed with placing under quiet censure those members who continue to keep a television set in their home.”

(c.) Synod also decided unanimously that in those cases where either the husband or wife is not a member and insists on keeping television in the home, the member of our denomination must show by walk and life his/her opposition against television. Also, persons who desire to do confession of faith and couples who desire to be married in the church are to promise that they will not take television into their home.

(d.) Finally, Synod requested all of our ministers to earnestly preach and warn against the evils of television, and recommended the use of pastoral letters. May the Lord bless all these means, especially the use of the keys of discipline, to the rooting out of this grievous offence from the midst of our churches.

2. Concerning evangelistic work Synod decided: “In the event that a member should feel called to evangelistic work such a member must be appointed to this work only with the permission of classis who shall ask the deputies of article 49 to be present to give their advice. If the respective classis should feel such an appointment be with the approval of the Lord, the brother who applied for such work shall labor under classical jurisdiction and authority.”

3. Concerning the holding of a minister-elder conference on a regular basis for mutual edification and instruction amongst office-bearers, Synod raised no objections, and decided that the first of such conferences will be held the Tuesday morning prior to Synod 1982, D.V. Rev. Lamain, Rev. DenBoer, Rev. Beeke, and Elder Moerdyk were appointed by Synod as a committee to organize these conferences. Synod also expressed the hope that such conferences be held at the classical level also, so that attendance would be possible for many officebearers who could not attend Synod’s conferences due to distance.

4. Concerning marital and family needs, Synod wholeheartedly recognized the great need that exists in this area and urges: (a) our ministers stress marital and family guidance on a biblical basis in their sermons, and give edifying guidance in classes which they instruct; (b) our ministers to try to write appropriately related articles for the Banner of Truth; and (c) that the translation committee make available an article concerning marriage, etc., which appeared in our Dutch paper in January of 1978.

5. Concerning the need for more action from our denomination in connection with sins of our land and government, Synod decided to leave this responsibility with the newly appointed members of the committee that corresponds with the government, urging that this committee be more active than it has been.

6. Concerning the advisability of having women speak at Youth Day Conferences, Synod requests Youth Day Conference committees not to allow women speakers at Youth Day conferences.

7. Concerning the General Fund’s request to have their name changed due to much confusion. Synod decided that the name of this fund shall be: “General Fund (Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing Fund)”. Synod urges all the churches to collect for this worthy cause.

8. Concerning the merging of “Insight Into” and the “Banner of Truth”, Synod decided against it, stressing the importance of close supervision of all articles that appear in our church publications.

9. Concerning the publishing of books, Synod decided it was advisable for all publications, if possible, to go through the regular channels of the General Fund and Translating Committee.


1. Concerning the support of the Banner of Truth Tract Mission, Synod decided that the Mission Board would budget the Banner of Truth Tract Mission under its jurisdiction and financial support for a period of two years, reporting results to 1982 Synod.

2. Concerning the printing of Rev. VanDerKemp’s catechism sermons, Synod requested the General Fund (Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing Fund) to ask the consistories the number of copies they think that they could sell and then determine the feasibility of such a publication. The great need for Heidelberg Catechisms written by our own ministers of our current day was again stressed.

3. Concerning the hiring of a full time translator by the General Fund, Synod decided that the hiring and volunteer work already being done is working out sufficiently.

4. Concerning the possibility of forming a church bureau as a central place of location for all church correspondence, etc., Synod appointed the following committee to give a full report of the feasibility of such a project to the 1982 Synod: Elders DeBruine and VandenToorn of Grand Rapids, and Elders Moerdyk and J. Beeke of Kalamazoo.

5. Concerning the possibility of Dutch ministers coming over to help us for extended periods of time, the Holland representatives shall work together with our foreign deputies to see if something can be done.


1. Concerning the making available of sound music for churches with choirs, Rev. Verhoef shall contact a member of our New Jersey church.

2. (Point 2 of classis Far West was considered together with point 3 of classis East-Midwest.)


Expenses were prorated amongst the churches according to membership numbers.


Lethbridge was designated to be the calling church for the next meeting of Synod which is to be held, D.V., on the third Wednesday and Thursday of June 1982. The prayer service will be conducted by Rev. J.R. Beeke on Tuesday evening.


Rev. W.C. Lamain was chosen as temporary theological instructor for student John Spaans, which instruction shall begin in September, D.V. It is the wish and prayer of Synod that both instructor and student be endowed with wisdom from on high. ARTICLE XIV - CLOSING

The chairman closed the meeting with psalter 120, stanzas 3 and 4, after he and the vice-chairman spoke some edifying words, acknowledging the Lord for the peaceable spirit of the gathering. May all the decisions be in the favor of the Lord. Rev. J. R. B.


When we look back on the history of the world, it is evident that many societies have been plagued and destroyed by one prevailing sin. Today our modern West, including the U.S.A. and Canada, seems to be developing a whole host of “prevailing” sins—abortion, Sabbath-day abuse, drunkenness, immorality and immodesty, pornography, homosexuality, dishonesty, swearing, greed, rebellion against authority, contempt for human life, violence, practical atheism, and the general spirit which brought so much confusion to Israel in the time of the judges: “And every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”

When we are not totally blind to the accelerating pace of these gross and ungodly sins also in North America, how our hearts should be sick of all the filth and God-blaspheming iniquities that increasingly multiply around us and among us. Ought we not be brought to the same place as Jeremiah with respect to the church and nation: “Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!”

Due to the alarming increase of serious national sins the 1980 Synod of our Netherlands Reformed denomination has urged the newly appointed members of the committee for “Correspondence with the Governments of the U.S. and Canada” to become active in sending edifying letters to the government officials concerning ungodly matters.

Since a letter from our denomination as a whole seems to have no more power with the government than a letter from one individual, it is thought to be most profitable if all our churches would unite together in sending in petitions on various concerns which are contrary to the Word of God.

The plan of action we hope to follow is to have our letters explained and printed in our Banner of Truth, to be followed up by sending a number of mimeographed copies of the same letter to all of our congregations so that each family and member may send a copy to their state legislature and one also to congress on the federal level.

We request the cooperation of all the consistories to place such letters in the vestibule of the churches so that our members may take them home, fill out their name and address, and send them in.

We hope above all that the Lord may bless these simple means to help prevent our churches and nations from being bombarded even further by the inroads of humanism, rationalism, liberalism, and an unbridled spirit of permissiveness. That we may follow the standard-bearing text of Is. 8:20 with respect to our personal, family, church, and national life: “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”

That we may be bold as a denomination to stand up for the conservative truth in outward as well as spiritual things, and receive grace to heed the timely exhortation of Jeremiah 6:16, “Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.”

We must not underestimate the power of a large number of letters with the government. It can have more of an influence than we at first are inclined to believe. Approximately five years ago a number of letters from our members in Ontario helped to shut down businesses in that province on the Sabbath day.

The first issue we wish to speak out against applies primarily to the U.S.A. although the spirit of it is universal. It is the so-called Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) which has already been ratified in 35 states, needing only the approval of 3 more states before it is put into law.

The ERA has as its goal to add to the constitution of the U.S.A. a law that declares it will be unconstitutional to pass any law that differentiates in any way between men and women. Here is a list of just a few things the proponents of ERA are seeking to do:

(1) ERA would make invalid all state laws which require a husband to support his family. Women would be placed in a position of being required to equally support their families financially according to law. (See Yale Law Journal 944–45.)

(2) ERA would require that there be no segregation of the sexes in prisons, reformed schools, public schools, college dormitories, hospital rooms, and other public facilities. (Congressional Record, March 22, 1972, S4543.)

(3) ERA would abolish seduction laws, statutory rape laws, as well as eliminate all laws against prostitution. (Yale Law Journal, 954,964.)

(4) Complete and ultimate authority would be given to the Federal Government to enforce ERA over and above all state and local governments. Undoubtedly many private schools and churches would be jeopardized through governmental interference. It is very possible that government may even try to demand all denominations to have female ministers, elders, and deacons.

(5) ERA would demand that men and women be treated alike with respect to military service.

(6) ERA would require that homosexuality and lesbianism be accepted as perfectly normal behavior.

This list could go on and on. In one word, ERA is a movement which cries for the elimination of the plainly biblical concept in which the Lord commands that there be distinctions between the sexes. ERA is striking at the very roots of family life.

Therefore, when the following letter is placed in the vestibule of your church, we ask that you as a family and as a member of our denomination, send it in as a petition to both your state legislature and to congress. The petition will read as follows:

TO: The State Legislature and/or Congress of the U.S.A.

Realizing the importance of the traditional family structure as:

THE MOST IMPORTANT structure in America from which common happiness, loyalty, and love is derived as a gift of God’s common grace;

THE MOST IMPORTANT segment of our society in upholding moral and religious beliefs;

THE MOST IMPORTANT deterrent to crime in America, socially speaking;

THE MOST IMPORTANT economic unit to America;

THE MOST IMPORTANT unit of strength when it comes to the point of defense and survival;

I petition you in accordance with God’s Holy Word and in the spirit of common sense to rescind all past, present, or future passage of the amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America known as “The Equal Rights Amendment”.

(To be signed with name and address.)

May the Lord bless these letter petitions, but above all, give us a prayer petition addressed to the throne of grace for our sin-blinded, judgment-stricken, and fast-declining nation.

-Rev. J. R. Beeke

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 augustus 1980

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van vrijdag 1 augustus 1980

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's