Our entire life is really nothing but disappointments and surprises.
Most of the time it is a disappointment, and sometimes it exceeds our expectations.
Thus there are constantly changes in man’s life, that is in our personal, domestic, social, but also church life. To some the voting for office bearers bring disappointment.
There are people for whom the voting is always a disappointment. Their name never appears on the list, and whoever may decline or fall out, they are never considered.
Some are on the list, yea, constantly, but never receive the necessary number of votes. At times it is also a disappointment when they are voted out. Sometimes they have for years and years given their strength and time in the service of the congregation, and then suddenly the members express themselves that they no longer want that man. They were always willing, they were always ready to give themselves to the congregation, and now they are out.
Indeed, we can understand that it is a disillusionment. With compulsory retirement we are spared from such misery. And yet, the office of elder and deacon terminates every two years, thus it should be a surprise to us if the congregation desires us again. But, ah, by nature we, including ourselves, are so far from that place.
Sometimes it happens that a person bows under it and that he may believe that it all happens in the Providence of God, that the lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.
We are fortunate if it does not turn into enmity. But that does not happen all the time. It often causes bitterness, and at every meeting which must still be held before the ordination takes place and they are loosed, it may be noticed.
I, myself, have experienced after such an election, that I had to spend the night in the same house with that person. For years they had opened their home to lodge the preacher, to give them from the best of the land, etc., and then now such a treatment. Yea, then I have been reminded of that contentious woman in the Proverbs of Solomon. Then it is better to dwell in the corner of a house than to lodge in such a house.
Having had a home for many years in such a house, having often had pleasant gatherings after the service that with opening they spoke about God and His ways, but that evening, no one else came to the house, it was so depressing, terrible. Then in such a night there is not much sleep, and then the next morning, again the same bitterness.
Really, then it was a relief to be able to depart the next day.
It has also happened that I had to be taken by that same person to a boat or train, and that I was terribly afraid. The car went so fast that I thought, “I won’t get out alive from this.”
And then his wife and those children! Yea, then you hear something. Then the most sensible thing to do is to keep quiet. Sometines they drop everything. Church attendance and church life decreases. If a person cannot bow under God, then we become so unmanageable and troublesome for ourselves and also for others.
Indeed, at times there is so much politics in voting. Sometimes a congregation is unjustly stirred up by one or more members who do not seek the welfare of the congregation, but who find pleasure when they attain their object thinking, “By and by we have also a chance to sit in the pew of office bearers.” So much may happen in God’s providence. But let everyone look to himself what he does.
There are congregations where it is different and where there are continual changes.
In some congregations it happens that the same people are always elected, but they always decline.
There are also persons, who after they have been elected, accept it very easily.
Some will not accept it because, according to their opinion, they have too few votes.
It also happens that they ask for a delay, although they knew that they were on the list, and had fourteen days to consider it.
For some it seems to be difficult to decide immediately.
I consider it a privilege when the Lord has already decided it in our heart, and that while prayerfully looking up to the Lord, we may assume it. It is a weighty matter, indeed, but we may also make it weightier than it really is. It is a matter with which we may not deal rashly. We must render an account before the Lord of our acceptance as well as of our declining. In both cases it is so necessary to consult the Lord, If man considers himself, then it is impossible. Who shall be able to find fitness and ability withing himself? But if we may run aground with it, then it is a benefit, that then it is our prayer, “Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?”
If we have been called in the right way, then the Lord shall also give the necessary wisdom and support. Whatever is then impossible with man, is possible with God.
It is a privilege if we may give our strength in the service of the Lord. Some people came to the tabernacle with a handful of goat’s hair. Among the disciples of Christ there were also people with various gifts and talents. The one was supplimentary to the other, and thus God’s Church has always been served. We are only accepted according to what we have and not according to what we have not. There have been at all times various gifts, but the thing that really matters is whether it has been given and granted by the same Spirit.
It is no more than forty years ago that I heard a preacher ordain a deacon, and the address of that preacher on that occasion was very brief, and perhaps for that reason I shall never forget it. He said to that man, “If you are a Stephen, then you shall not live long, but if you are not a Stephen, then you might wish that you had never accepted it.”
At times we are so inclined to fit and to measure, to finish it according to our own mind, but grace and gifts are indespensible to serve God in the right way. It is so necessary to have a ground to plead upon so that we are able to say, “Lord, I did not bring myself there. Lord, did not we agree in accepting that office? Lord, Thou hast promised me, ‘I shall not leave thee nor forsake thee.’ Did not I experience your favor and approval at times? Didst Thou not manifest Thy favor toward me at times? Lord, it is Thy cause, not mine.”
If in the execution of his office a person never experiences that God takes it over for him, then it cannot be done.
That which we commence with ourselves, we must also finish with ourselves, and “No human power delights Him,
No early pomp or pride.” Psalter No. 402:4.
Oh, what a heavy judgement it is when the Lord withholds people with grace from His Church. What a terrible visitation it is for a congregation when people, who are estranged from the life of God, must serve as elders and deacons.
When they do not know their own soul’s need, how shall they feel the need of the congregation? If they have not learned for themselves to flee to God, how shall they be able to serve as intercessors for the congregation?
Alas, at the election of officebearers, we must behold and observe more and more how poor we are. And then in most cases, instead of crying to God and becoming quilty before God, we help ourselves. Oh, I know we may not despise the order of the church to hold a yearly election, but in general, we just go on without being brought into straits and to the place where we should come. I also know that it is a Divine work to be able to get there, but that does not free us, and that is no excuse for us. We continue on, and so does God, but “death is in the pot”.
What a different look God’s Church would have if we were made honest before God and the people, that we could go no further. Then God would surely arise.
“God Who rules in state
Is in Zion great.” Psalter No. 432:2.
May it yet become a necessity. The need is great of called and anointed ministers, but no less of elders and deacons who fear God and who have knowledge of the things which God teaches His people.
There are still people who need instruction, and here and there is a widow and an orphan who long for a prayer which is sent up for them in spirit and in truth.
May the Lord have mercy upon us and our poor generation. May He visit His heritage and make His church a praise on earth. His Name would receive the glory.
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 juli 1978
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 juli 1978
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's