O Timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust. II Timothy 6:20
In our discussion of the books of the Bible, we must take up the epistles of the New Testament. As the church of the New Testament grew in Canaan and surrounding countries, in Asia Minor, and also in Europe, it became impossible for the apostles and their assistants to visit these congregations regularly. However, it became necessary to instruct them when heresies appeared in their midst. To keep the doctrine of free grace pure, the epistles were written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
The order in which they appear in the Bible is not the order in which they were written. The majority of them were written by the apostle Paul, and it is these we will be discussing this time. In order to have a better understanding of the various periods of Paul’s life, we give the following dates:
Paul was probably born about two years after the birth of the Lord Jesus;
It was about the year 33 A.D. that his conversion took place;
He was in Jerusalem in the year 36, then in Tarsus for eight or nine years, and later went to Antioch in the year 44 or 45 A.D.
His first mission journey was during the years 46 and 47;
He attended the Synod at Jerusalem in the year 48.
His second mission journey was in the years 49 to 52;
From Corinth he wrote the two epistles to the Thes-salonians and probably also that to the Galatians;
His third mission journey was in the years 53 to 57, and during these years he wrote I Corinthians and Romans;
He was taken in custody at Jerusalem, and remained in Ceasarea from 57 to 59;
From the fall of 59 to the spring of 60 he was brought to Rome, where he remained for two years;
He there wrote first to the Ephesians, then to the Colossians, and then to Philemon;
During the years 62 to 64 he visited several places;
In the year 64 he was killed by Nero.
The gospel was probably first preached in Rome by those who had been in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost. It had often been the desire of Paul to go there, but time and again he was hindered. He wrote this epistle during his third mission journey from the city of Corinth. In this epistle he explains that salvation is not out of works, but out of free grace only. God the Father has chosen His church, God the Son has given Himself in the fulness of time to the church’s salvation, and these merits are applied by the Holy Ghost. The apostle exclaims, “ O the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out!” TWO EPISTLES TO THE CORINTHIANS:
Corinth was the capital of Achaia, a province of Greece. Paul labored here for two years, and his labor was richly blessed by the Lord. After he left, there came a decay in spiritual life -divisions arose, discipline was lacking, marriage was abused, idolatry reappeared, the Lord’s Supper was profaned, the resurrection of the dead was denied, etc. It was Paul’s plan to return to Corinth, but as this was not immediately possible, he therefore wrote this epistle. He warns them in love, but with stern words. Later he hears that most of the members have humbled themselves before the Lord, and then he writes the second epistle to comfort those who returned. THE EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS:
The members of this congregation were both Jews and heathens. By the influence of false teachers, some denied that Paul was a true apostle, but in this epistle he defends his position, in that he was called by Christ Himself. He also defends the doctrine of free grace - that we are not justified by the works of the law, but by grace only.
This letter was not only for the above mentioned congregation, but it also was to be given to the congregations of Asia Minor. Paul probably wrote this during his captivity. After the usual introduction and well-wishes, he immediately begins to explain the grace of God in Jesus Christ (in the first three chapters). The three following chapters form the application.
During Paul’s imprisonment in Rome, Epaphroditus, a consistory member of Philippi, came to him to strengthen him in his bonds. When returning to his congregation, Paul gave him this letter for the members of Philippi to acknowledge them for their love and also to encourage them to fight the good fight.
This letter was also written while Paul was in prison. He had received a visit from Epaphras, their minister, who came to ask advice about certain new things in doctrine which were brought into the congregation by other teachers. One was - are the angels mediators with God, and must we worship them? Paul warns against this heresy and vain philosophy, and stresses that their hope can only be in the perfect merits of Christ, which must be visible in their life, and they be separated from the world.
Many believe that this was the first of the epistles written by the apostle Paul, and that it was penned during his second mission journey. Paul was compelled to leave this city of Thessalonica because of persecution, but he sent Timothy to visit the congregation. From Timothy he learned that they had remained firm in faith. Gladdened by this tiding, he writes to encourage them to walk in the way he had made known to them, expecting Christ Who will come to judge the quick and the dead.
The first epistle was a great comfort, but there were some who made a wrong interpretation regarding the coming of Christ, which Paul corrects in the second epistle.
To this point the epistles were written to congregations, but now follows some which were written to individuals. The Lord willing, we hope to discuss those in the next article.
Rev. A.M. Den Boer
Dear Boys and Girls,
Again we have begun another year. And what this year will bring we do not know. But as we study God’s Word, we do find that there are things which are foretold. Many of the things mentioned have already taken place, but there are other events which are yet to happen. Quite a few times we read the words -” shall come to pass” . And we know that God’s Word is truth, not “ maybe” or “ perhaps” , but it is certain and true that what is written shall take place at God’s time. Daniel said to Nebuchadnezzar, “ The great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter.” In the same way God’s Word also speaks to us. It says, “ O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord.” May the Lord give us a hearing ear and an understanding heart, so that we may use the time He has given us to seek those things which He has commanded - “ Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness” .
The first letters of this month’s quiz will spell out words repeated twice by Peter on the day of Pentecost. Here are the questions -
God said, “ Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be__________” .
In Isaiah 21 the question is asked twice, “ Watchman, what of the __________?”
Regarding the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the Lord God said “ In the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely _____________.”
God said to Abraham, “ But My covenant will I establish with ___________, which Sarah shall bear unto thee.”
Upon Jonah’s preaching, it was published throughout Nineveh, “ Who can___________if God will turn and repent?”
On Pentecost Peter quoted a text of the prophet Joel, “ And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord shall be___________” .
To the serpent the Lord spoke about the seed of the woman and his seed, “ It shall bruise
thy____________, and thou shalt bruise His heel.”
To Adam the Lord said, “ For dust thou___________, and unto dust shalt thou return.”
When speaking of John the Baptist, the Lord Jesus said, “ To whom shall I_____________this generation?
The fifth commandment is, “ Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be ____________ upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.”
Unto what city did the Lord Jesus say, “ It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for thee” ?
In Revelation 1 the Lord said, “ I am Alpha and____________, the beginning and the ending.”
The prophet Joel prophesied, “ The sun shall be turned into darkness and the__________into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come.” In I Peter 1 we read, “ The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away, but the word of the Lord ____________ for ever.”
Job said, “ The Lord gave, and the Lord hath _______________ away; blessed be the Name of the Lord.”
The prophet Elijah told the widow woman, “ Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of________fail.”
Zacharias said, “ To perform the mercy.___________to our fathers, and to remember His holy covenant.”
The Lord Jesus said to His disciples, “ And, lo, I am with you ____________, even unto the end of the world.”
In the last chapter of Ecclesiastes we read, “ for God shall bring every work into judgment, with every_____thing.”
In the last chapter of the Bible we read, “ And the and the bride say, Come.”
(Send your answers to Garret J. Moerdyk, 1104 Roseland Avenue, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001.)
The answers to the December quiz are as follows -
“ Behold, Thy Salvation Cometh”
Isaiah 62:11
Bethlehem - Micah 5:2
Everlasting - Micah 5:2
Head - Genesis 3:14–15
Other - Exodus 20:3
Light - Isaiah 9:2
Deliver - Exodus 3:7–8
Thou -Ezekiel 37:3
Healing - Malachi 4:2
You -Luke 2:10–11
Salvation - Genesis 49:18
Ass -Matthew 21:1–11
Law - John 1:45
Valley - Psalm 23:4
Arise - Luke 7:11–14
Thee -Mark 1:23–24
Israel - Luke 24:13–21
Ought - Luke 24:26
Name - Matthew 1:20–21
Come - Isaiah 11:1
Opened -Luke 24:31
Messias - John 4:25–26
Eyes -Luke 2:25–31
Talketh - John 9:35–37
Highest -Luke 2:13–14
Answers to the quiz have again been received from the following boys and girls—
Beth Schelling (2)
Jane DeBat
Richard DeBat
Margot Mast
Janice Stapel
John Stapel
Joylynn Mast
Neil Mast
Jane Mast
Joan Lugthart
Steve Bazen
Peter Bazen
Leah Talbot
Roy VanZweden (2)
Ralph VanZweden (2)
Mary VanZweden (2)
Mark VanZweden (2)
Janet VanZweden (2)
Arie VanVugt
John VanVugt
Bill Kamp
Tom Kamp
Marilyn Kamp
Debbie Kamp
Laura Talbot
Mary Kievit
Audrey Kievit
Marlene VanVeldhuizen
Thomas Berkenbush
Gladys VanBochove
Rhonda VanBochove
Mary Lynn Fluit
Lynne E. Kamp
Bill VanWingerden
Ken VanWingerden
Jennie Easterhoff
Robert Southway
Sandra Southway
Melanie VanBrugge
Alan Greendyk
David Greendyk
Paul Greendyk
Billy Greendyk
Janet Sweetman
Tunis Sweetman, Jr.
Judy Sweetman
Laurie Sweetman
Daniel John Sweetman
Paul VanGrouw
Jenny Lee Sweetman
Todd Koedam
Tammy Koedam
Bruce Verblaauw
Amy Mieras
Mary Lou Rosendall
Jimmy Rosendall
Laura Rosendall
Rita Erickson (3)
Laurie Bleeker
Steven Bleeker
John Verhey
Brad Zomer
Brenda Zomer
Kevin Zomer
Vonda Zomer
Nicholas John Bush
Adrian Bush
Cindy Hoogendoorn
Perry Hoogendoorn
Harold Rus
Howard Rus
Virgil Rus
Edwin Rus
Marcia Spaans
Ken Spaans
Jim Bazen
Linda Bazen
Betty Van DerWeile
Terry Post
Jonathan VanBeek
David VanBeek
Glenn VanWingerden
Paul VanWingerden
Mark Heystek
Connie Blom
Leroy Blom
Marion Blom
Alfred Hup (2)
Jane Hup (2)
Edward J. Hup (2)
Dennis Hup (2)
Harvey Hup (2)
Julie Frens
Mary Frens
Sharon Frens
Leonard Frens
Elaine Frens
Sharon Eppinga
Dwayne Eppinga
Kevin Eppinga
Diane Thiessen
Jackie Schelling
Julie Ann DeBruine
Sue Blaak
Bill Blaak
Tammy Troff
Mike VanBemden
Kathy Van Bemden
Carol VanBemden
Leah VanTilburg
Mary VanTilburg
Ellen VanGrouw
Deanna Erickson (3)
Roger Erickson (3)
Debbie Erickson (3)
Janice Erickson
Cindy Erickson
Paula Timmer
Michelle Timmer
Julie Van Gemert
Lisa Markus
Carrie Blok
Gary Blok
Mary VanGiessen
Randy VanGiessen
Mary VanOostenbrugge
Joann VanBeek
Anden VanBeek
Alma VanBeek
Karl VanOostenbrugge
Steven VanOostenbrugge
Richard Grisnich
Cheryl Grisnich
Wendy Grisnich
Rhonda Grisnich
Jenny Overeem
Corrie Overeem
Joanne Overeem
Barb Hendricks
Helen Hendricks
Mary Hendricks
JoAnn VanRavenswaay
Esther VanRavenswaay
Norman VanRavenswaay
Timothy Nieuwenhuis
Kent Dean Schelling (2)
Linda Schelling (2)
Kathy Schelling (2)
Brenda Kay Schelling (2)
Kristi J. Rosendall
John Rosendall
Rick Rosendall
Nancy Kwekel
David Kwekel
Larry Slotsema
Shirley Slotsema
Sue VanEss
Ellen Elizabeth Kros
Rick VanEss
Joanne Stam
John VanderBoon
Mary Polderman
Sonja Boonzaayer
Sharon VanDeVendel
Linda VanDeVendel
Donna Marie Hubers
Helen Hubers
Marica Hubers
Harriet Hubers
Andy VanStelle
Tim VanStelle
Henry Kamp
Linda Kamp
Mark Meeuwse
Tim Drost
Jeff Geiger
Meloni Geiger
Molly Geiger
Sarah Spaans
Rhonda VanVoorst
Judy VanVoorst
Billy Densel
Frances VanderMeulen
Joyce VanderMeulen
Sidney VanderMeulen
Harmen VanderMeulen
John Bosch
Virginia VanderWaal
Stanley VanderWaal
Barbara Southway
Ingrid Sommer
Hendrika Kroesbergen (2)
Bill Kroesbergen (2)
Irene Sommer
Cheryl VandeStouwe
Todd VandeStouwe
Nancy VandeStouwe
Ken Kroesbergen
Jane Kroesbergen
Cathy Kroesbergen
John Kroesbergen
Jane Korevaar
Herman John VanderMeulen (2)
Ann-Marlene VanderMeulen (2)
Karl VanderMeulen (2)
Albert Bouma
Amy Lou Kaat
Alida Greendyk
Cheryl Groen
Andy Korevaar (2)
Ruth Boerkoel
Bob Boerkoel
John Boerkoel
Kevin Verbeke
Arline Kieboom
Ella Kieboom
Darwyn Gene Klarenbeek
Arlen James Klarenbeek
David Klarenbeek
Liz VanGiessen
Angela Stam
Margaret DenBoer
Helen VanDyke
David VanDyke
John VanDyke
Daniel VanDyke
Ruth VanDyke
Howard Hubers
And now we will answer the letters which we have received-
CHERYL VANDE STOUWE -Since you are answering for the first time, Cheryl, we will make your letter the first one. It was nice to hear from you. There is not much snow here at the moment, but they do predict some for tonight. Yes, there is much for which we should be thankful.
IRENE SOMMER - I confused everyone when I showed that the answer was in I Chronicles 29, but it was in II Chronicles. Not many months go by without a mistake somewhere, Irene. Can you tell me what the Bible says is perfect? There are a number of things mentioned.
BRENDA KAY SCHELLING -It is so nice when brothers and sisters get along well, Brenda, because there is so much trouble in the world.Even in Bible times there were families which had troubles among themselves. Can you name any of them?
BARBARA SOUTHWAY - We were glad to hear that you had found a penpal, Barbara. Thank you for the wishes for the new year. The Bible says, “ The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich” , but we know that the rich are not always blessed. Can you give an example of this from the Bible?
ANGELA STAM - We saw some pictures of your school the other day, Angela. It certainly is a very nice building. What is your teacher’s name? I suppose Rev. Verhoef also comes to school sometimes to talk to the boys and girls.
LAURIE SWEETMAN - I haven’t seen any pictures of your school, Laurie, but I have heard about it. We can be very glad that we have our own Christian schools. Do you live far from the school? We would like to pay your school a visit sometime.
ARLINE KIEBOOM - How did you get along while your mother was gone, Arline? And how is your grandfather? We hope that he is somewhat better. The Bible speaks of old age as “ the evil days” because of the many troubles which usually come upon a person in old age.
SHARON VAN DE VENDEL -We haven’t had so much snow here, Sharon. Many people don’t like the winter weather and therefore they travel south, just like some of the birds. I gather that you think winter is a nice time of the year.
MARGARET DEN BOER - It doesn’t seem right that you haven’t received your book yet, Margaret. If you will let me know which book you selected, I will send you another one. All the others must have arrived O.K, as we had no other complaints.
JOHN BOSCH - We were glad to hear that your book arrived in far off New Zealand, John. Have you read it yet? As far as I know I have never had goat’s milk. Two and a quarter Utres should give you plenty to drink each day.
BRUCE VERBLAAUW - We are all quite well, Bruce, and were happy to hear from you again. Much patience must be given us when we have troubles, otherwise we are ready to blame the Lord for our troubles, just as Adam did in the garden of Eden. But if we see the troubles of others, then we can also see that our problems could be much worse than they are.
To all of our young friends we wish a blessed New Year, especially the blessing of a new heart, which is so necessary for each of us, and which the Lord only can give us. We hope that we may continue to hear from each of you from month to month, and that the study of God’s Word may also be blessed.
With love,
Your friend
“ Uncle Garret”
Rev. Ledeboer expelled -
It was within a week that the classical board announced the suspension of the pastor of Bent-huizen, after he had been given a hearing with a few elders. Official documents show that Rev. Ledeboer had four main objections:
the introduction of the General Regulations,
the singing of the evangelical hymns,
the failure to recognize the binding authority of the Forms of Unity,
the failure to apply church discipline.
He stated that he had no liberty to make the separation himself. His only desire was, as an officebearer, to maintain the teaching, the worship service, and the discipline as they had existed for two centuries in the church of the Netherlands. The verdict regarding Ledeboer was rapidly executed. Early in 1841 he was dismissed from his office because of “ a public derisive and foolish handling of the Church Regulations and the evangelical hymns.” Also the fact that he, after his dismissal, was still preaching, and in gatherings of the Separatists had administered the sacraments, was sharply attacked. The official document was completely silent about the principal objections of Rev. Ledeboer! That says everything.
In this way Rev. Ledeboer had been cast out of the Reformed church. Therefore he did not consider himself the cause of the separation. In “ An ABC By A Beginner” - a very pious, devout booklet - he mentions that there was no bitterness in his heart about the way things went. In addressing himself to the church boards who dealt with his case, he wrote: “ Do not despise the advice and the warning of him who is cast out from you because he was not permitted or able to unite himself any longer with your godless laws and rules. Oh, I do not look down on you. Where in is the cause that I am not lying burning on the bottom of hell? It is GRACE ALONE.”
His ecclesiastical standpoints -
Rev. Ledeboer wished to return entirely to the teachings and the church government as it was established by the Synod of Dordrecht in 1618 and 1619. Therefore he compared the illegally formed church boards of the Reformed church with thieves. These thieves broke into the house, bound the original occupants, and stole all their possessions. Even though the thieves now possess the name, the rights, and the goods of the Reformed church, they are not the legal owners. It is in this light one must read the well-known expression which occurs in his book, Of God’s Ways: “ It (that is, the complete Reformed church -G) is ours, and God will return it to us in His time, and drive away the enemies.”
In the previously mentioned “ ABC” he raises the question as to which external church organization is most in accordance with God’s holy will and good pleasure. Then his answer is modest as well as definite, “ If we see well, we for ourselves believe it is they who, without having bowed before the idol and the beast (of the regulations - G.), desire to be made faithful to the Reformed confession.”
For Rev. Ledeboer the unity with the confession was the determining factor. This tie has been let loose in the Reformed church. Therefore our place cannot be there as long as God does not grant a return. In a sermon on June 29, 1883, shortly before he died, he spoke about Jeremiah 10:17–21, and mentioned in detail and with full conviction about his ecclesiastical standpoint in regard to the church, testifying in the presence of all that everything which deviated from the confession of our fathers would one day be gathered away as small ware (pedlary). According to a friend, his testimony was so convincing that, after the sermon, many indicated their inclination and resolution to join by confession with the church affiliation of Rev. Ledeboer, and they were installed as members the following Sunday in Leersum in the province of Utrecht. (This article relates some of the historical background of the Netherlands Reformed congregations, as given in an address by M. Golverdingen. It was translated from the Daniel magazine, with permission of the author.)
A little - ‘tis a little word,
But much may in it dwell;
Then let the warning truth be heard,
And learn the lesson well.
The way to ruin thus begins
Down, down like easy stairs;
If conscience suffers little sins,
Soon larger ones it bears.
A little theft, a small deceit,
Too often leads to more;
Tis hard at first, but tempts the feet
As through an open door.
Just as the broadest rivers ran
From small and distant springs,
The greatest crimes that men have done
Have grown from little things.
The child who early disobeys
Stands now on slippery ground,
And who shall tell in future days
Where he may yet be found?
The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honour is humility.
Proverbs XV:33
Said the old college professor, “ Well, your college course is finished!” “ Yes,” said the young man, “ I graduate today.” “ And then?” “ Oh, I shall take up my profession, marry a fine woman, make a fortune, and make my way in the world.” “ And then?” “ Then I shall retire, travel, and take life easy.” “ And then?” “ Well, old age will come, but I hope to enjoy that too.” “ And then?” “ Well, then I shall have to die, I suppose.” “ And then?” but the young man had no answer ready. Have you, my reader?
Does this not aptly describe the aim and desire of almost every one today? They give no heed to the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who said to the multitudes gathered around Him, “ enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and MANY there be which go in thereat; because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it” (Matthew 7:13–14). A certain rich man, whom the Lord had prospered, said within himself, “ Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, THOU FOOL, THIS NIGHT THY SOUL SHALL BE REQUIRED OF THEE; then whose shall those things be which thou has provided?” (Luke 12:16–20). “ So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich towards God.”
(Young People’s Magazine)
“ Remember me, O Lord, with the favour that Thou bearest unto Thy people: O visit me with Thy salvation.” Psalm 106:4
How is a man brought and taught to want to be “ visited with” God’s salvation? He must know something first of condemnation. Salvation only suits the condemned. “ The Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost;” and therefore salvation only suits the lost. A man must be lost--utterly lost--before he can prize God’s salvation. And how is he lost? By losing all his strength, losing all his confidence, losing all his hopes, losing all that is of the flesh; losing it by its being taken from him, and stripped away by the hand of God. A man who is brought into this state of utter beggary and complete bankruptcy--to be nothing, to have nothing, to know nothing-he is the man, who in in the midnight watches, in his lonely hours, by his fireside, and at times, well-nigh night and day, is crying, groaning, begging, suing, seeking, and praying after the manifestation of God’s salvation to his soul. “ O visit me with Thy salvation.” He wants a visit from God; he wants God to come and dwell with him, take up His abode in his heart, discover Himself to him, manifest and reveal Himself, sit down with him, eat with him, walk with him, and dwell in him as his God. And a living soul can be satisfied with nothing short of this. He must have a visit. It profits him little to read in the word of God what God did to his saints of old; he wants something for himself, something that shall do his soul good; he wants something that shall cheer, refresh, comfort, bless, and profit him, remove his burdens, and settle his soul into peace. And therefore he wants a visitation--that the presence and power, the mercy and the love of God should visit his soul.
J.C. Philpot
He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul; but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.
Proverbs XV:32
A plate of sweet cakes were brought in and set upon the table. Two children were playing upon the hearth rug before the fireplace.
“ Oh, I want one of these cakes! cried the little boy, jumping up as soon as his mother went out of the room. He tiptoed towards the table.
“ No, no,” said his sister, pulling him back; “ you must not touch them.”
“ Mother won’t know it; she didn’t count them,” he cried, shaking her off, and stretching out his hand.
“ If mother didn’t count them, perhaps God did,” answered the other.
The little boy’s hand was stayed. Yes, children, be sure that God counts!
(Young People’s Magazine)
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's
Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 januari 1976
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's