Calls Declined:
To the Sioux Center, Iowa, Congregation, by Rev. A. W. Verhoef of Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada.
The following collections were received in the year of 1974:
Waupan $ 157.20
Unionville 191.29
Chilliwack 861.16
Bradford 325.00
Kalamazoo 431.00
Sunnyside 135.00
Franklin Lakes 1067.00
Unionville 160.35
Grand Rapids 710.11
Rock Valley 385.53
Lethbridge 341.66
Lynden 125.00
Sheboygan 254.00
Fort MacLeod 223.00
Alberni 57.20
Corsica 179.81
Clifton 520.65
We want to take this opportunity to express our thanks to all the churches that have collected for this worthy cause. May the Lord add His blessing. At the Synodical meeting held in June 1974, Rev. Verhoef expressed the gratitude of Mrs. M. Romeyn for the financial support received and he remarked that she is well satisfied with the amount of aid given her and the children. The congregations that have not collected in 1974 are kindly asked not to forget this Fund in your schedule of collections for 1975 (D.V.).
John Beeke
Clerk of the Emeritus Fund
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10
Some months ago, it was brought to the attention of our readers, the desperate famine condition in Africa due to the six year drought. Now, in just the past few weeks the first rains in six years have come to Northern Africa. There is hope that some crops will survive this year. However, the terrible effects of six longs years of drought will not disappear with one rainfall.
At least 30 million people are living on the edge of dying from the horrible death of famine in the sub-Sahara nations of Mauritania, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Upper Volta and Chad. The Atlantic Monthly reported that within this area 100,000 people and some 20 million head of livestock have already starved to death. According to the Toronto Sun, more than 75,000 have died in the past few months in Ethiopia.
The wretchedness of the situation is indescribable. In Upper Volta, 60% of the population have become refugees. In Mali, 40% of the national cattle herd is dead. In all the Sahel countries, grain production is off by a huge fraction and this in countries where bare subsistence was already a way of life.
Reports tell of a child nursing at the breast of its dead mother....of a mother and three children in a ditch, in final coma....of people dragging their sagging bodies across the dusty land in search of water and food. The bony, emaciated bodies of literally tens of thousands of cows and other animals lie dead where they have fallen victims of famine.
What a contrast this is to our sitting down in comfortable homes with our children for breakfast and dinner with practically everything we need, or desire, to be on the table.
Then we must ask, Lord, what makes the difference? We are no better than they and perhaps worse because of sinning against better knowledge. “It is of the Lords mercy we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.” Lam. 3:22.
A general letter has been sent out to all the consistories of our denomination stressing the urgency of the situation. We have received a few individual gifts for this cause for which we are grateful. We hope our readers will give this their prayerful consideration. We are responsible with the gifts God has in his kindness given to us.
We were able to send $1,500 in the fall of 1974 to help in the Honduras disaster as a result of the devastating hurricane.
The Lord’s judgements are multiplying over the whole world. We have a body and soul. Our bodies shall die, but what about our soul? Jesus said, “And I say unto you my friends, be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.” Luke 12:4,5. May we then flee to that ark of safety, with all our guilt and sin confessing we have no rights but that Jesus who came to save sinners might also look down upon us.
Contributions from churches and individuals may be sent to G. Deur, Secretary-Treasurer, National-International Disaster Fund, 540 Crescent Street N.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
With thanks I again received a check of $100.00 for the Denominational School Fund.
I also received-
$20.00 For the school in Grand Rapids
$20.00 For the Inheritance
$20.00 For the Banner of Truth
The School board at Norwich, Ontario, is still looking for a principal and a teacher for their school. We hope that the Lord will incline the hearts of those who have the required qualifications for this responsible work, to respond for the benefit of the youth of our congregations. Application can be made to-
Rev. A.M. Den Boer
Main St. P.O. Box 42
E. Norwich, Ontario
Gifts and donations for our schools are very welcome.
Rev. W.C. Lamain
The name and address of the clerk for the First Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids is now as follows:
Mr. Marvin Vanden Toorn
2424 Longstreet S.W.
Grand Rapids, Mich. 49509
Tel. No. 616/452-4328
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 februari 1975
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 februari 1975
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's