This month we gratefully acknowledge the gifts received during the month of November amounting to $56.00, which added to our balance at the end of October gives us a total of $74.80 in the fund. No disbursements were made during November.
Below you will find a picture of the well which was dug in India through a gift given by our Timothy Mission Fund last year. A letter of acknowledgment is also included. Dear friends, there is so much need in these days. However, if we are completely satisfied with the fulfillment of temporal needs and have no further need, then there is no room and place for the Savior and Redeemer. We hope and pray that the need of these people in India, but also our need, may be for that living water spoken of by the Lord Jesus to the Samaritan woman - “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Gifts to the Timothy Mission Fund should be sent in care of Mr. Tom Stryd, P.O. 2182, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49003.
Our sincere wishes to all of you for the Lord’s rich blessings in the year 1975.
My Dear Friends,
We are happy to enclose a picture of the well that has been given to the people of India named “Timothy Mission Well” which has recently arrived from India.
This well is located in a village called Binpalli, in Andhra Pradesh State, India, and is serving the needs of about 15 Harijan families who are very poor. It has been built with granite stone and cement mortar to last a life time, is equipped with a strong pulley, and has a plaque which bears the names of the well. Gospel meetings were conducted during the time the well was being excavated and our representative was in the village.
We praise our Heavenly Father for the willingness of the Timothy Mission Fund to share in our ministry to these needy ones in India. Because of the continued drought, the need for fresh water wells is great. You can see why this gift is so important. It keeps on giving, bringing hope -- and trust --and the knowledge that someone really does care.
May God’s richest blessing be upon you.
International Christian Relief
Friend in the East Gift 100.00
Friend in Clifton Gift 500.00
Covell Ave. Church Gift 200.00
Unionville Mission Collection 641.45
Friend in Waupun Gift 300.00
Waupun Mission Collection 200.00
Choteau Mission Collection 60.00
Calgary Mission Collection 61.50
Lethbridge Ladies Aid Gift 2223.00
Sunnyside Mission Collection 3700.00
Total: $7985.95
Dear Friends,
Hearty thanks for the generous gifts for the mission work. May the Lord bless you and your gifts. The Lord willing Mr. and Mrs. Jan Louwerse hope to arrive in New York Jan. 8, 1975, and then to visit all the congregations. It appears that it will not be long before Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moerdyk will be ready to leave for the mission field. We also include a letter from Dini Sonneveld.
American General Mission Fund.
Netherland Reformed Congregations
of America and Canada
John Spaans, Treasurer
Plankinton Box 106 RR1
South Dakota 57368
Bethesda Orphanage
November 19, 1974
Dear Mission Friends,
Greetings from Igede.
As you may know we do have three institutions in the Igede area. The Bethesda Clinic, Bible School, and Orphanage.
It is about the Orphanage that I will be writing in this letter.
Presently we do have more than one hundred children in our homes, most of them motherless babies and children.
About a hundred children are back in their home villages.
It has been our aim from the beginning to have the children back at their home villages at the age of two years.
During the two years of stay, there is a young girl from the village staying with the baby. She is being trained to care for the baby. After the two years they go back together to the village to stay with their relatives.
When they are taken back to their village there is a great opportunity to reach the people with the Gospel.
A regular visit and teaching should be necessary but has not been possible yet.
So there is still a great work to be done and I feel it must be done soon.
During the two years of stay, the girls are being taught to read the Igede language, some are now able to read the Igede translations of Bible portions.
They also have their daily Bible lessons and hymn singing.
Although it has been our aim to have the children back to their home villages, this has not been possible with every child.
Presently we do have a group of more than fourty children above the age of two years. The oldest are over 9 years.
We have them stay in family groups of about ten children.
There is a nursery class for the younger children and a primary school for the older children.
We have one trained Nigerian teacher and two helpers. Although all primary schools have been taken over by the government, we still got the permission to start their private school.
Here is another great opportunity to bring those children up in the teachings of the Lord.
Besides the teacher and his helpers we have another group of more than thirty helpers, some with primary education, others with no education at all.
The girls do get a training in child care and if they do well may go in to the Clinic for further training.
Pray that the Word of the Lord may bring forth fruits in the hearts and life of many here in Igede.
With christian greetings,
Dini Sonneveld
Rev. J. Fraanje
Using the Catechsim Book
Rev. A. Hellenbroek
Concerning His Kingly Office Lesson 21 - part 2
Do you suppose everyone just naturally acknowledges the Lord as their King by virtue of creation?
O, no, no one wants to admit to that.
Through sin, the first sin, we have adopted Satan as king or prince. We serve him with delight and obey him willingly.
Is the devil really a king?
He is a cursed fallen angel whom God banished to hell. That is and will be his eternal habitation. But even though the Lord stands above him in power, the Bible does say he is a mighty one and the “Power of darkness”.
The Lord has never given the devil the desire of his heart, such as men have done. Being God and man, He could not sin and the evil one had no effect upon Him. He bruised the head of the serpent and triumphed over the devil in the dignity of His Kingly office.
But now, if men have willingly given themselves over to Satan and have given obeisance to him as king, how shall Christ gather a kingdom to Himself? We said earlier that no one by nature, will acknowledge Him as King. How is that going to be brought about?
That has been determined in eternity according to the holy will of the Divine Essence. The Son of God being Mediator shall shed His bood for the elect whom the Holy Spirit will snatch away from the devil. You can imagine what happens then! He just roars, and with his entire satanic power attempts to hold the prey.
But the Lord, being the superior one, can master him, conquering completely.
It is as we read in the history of Zedekiah, a wicked king who ruled Judah. When the measure of wickedness was full Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon arrived on the scene. He conquered Jerusalem and captured Zedekiah. He bound him with ropes rendering him helpless. He burned the city and temple, after having robbed all the golden vessels from the house of the Lord. He then brought them to Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar murdered Zedekiah’s sons while he watched and took him in custody to Babylon. These were all very dreadful acts and it was very wicked of Nebuchadnezzar to do them.
What I am trying to show you with this example is this: Originally Zedekiah was free to do what he wanted to do in his country. But when he was bound in ropes, it didn’t help him one bit whether he prayed or cursed, made supplication or went into a rage; Nebuchadnezzar still went his own way and took one vessel after another out of the temple. Zedekiah never saw them again.
I have used this merely as a simple illustration. I do not mean that this story has any connection to our lesson, no, you should not think of it in that way. I only want to say: this is the way the Lord (reverently speaking) robs the devil of his vessels. The devil has used some of them for many years in the world. Some ten, twenty or thirty years and some even longer. But if it is one of the redeemed, upon His appointed time, the Lord says, “You have had enough, devil; dismount, this is my horse. It is a chosen vessel, over which I shall be King and not you.”
Then the devil bellows out in spite and enmity. He is witnessing before his very eyes the vessels being “robbed” from him. He is a subject of the sovereign authority of King Jesus. Jesus has bruised Satan’s head and taken the catch from him. He sits eternally now on the right hand of the Father as Prophet, Priest and King; as Priest to pray for His elect vessels and as King to conquer them.
You must not believe that Satan just willingly and voluntarily gives up his prey. O, no. Just as soon as he notices that Christ begins to apply the unction of His offices upon a soul, he tries, with all his might, to pull that soul away and conspires every way to retain them. If it is someone in their youth he says, “Did you have it so bad when you lived with the world? You had pleasure, had freedom to participate in all manner of activities, wear fashionable clothes and were companion to all sorts of desirable persons. And what do you have now? You cannot even sleep peacefully nor do what you are really eager to do. You have had to forsake all your former friends and now go around with a few of those despised poor people. They don’t even know what pleasures there are in the world and are the most stupid of all society.”
That is the way the devil argues, always having something new, and, the worst of it all is, that our flesh and blood are inclined toward his point of view. Not toward God’s. But, through it all, the Mediator exercises His Kingly office, personally, in the soul of such a one, until He has gained the victory.
Boys and girls, our class time is spent and we must close for today. If the Lord spare, it will be awhile before we see one another in class again. According to custom we do not hold catechism classes during the months of harvest. As a consequence, we shall not meet one another for a few weeks. I do hope and wish that all of us may be spared during this time. If we were to be called up meanwhile, could we meet God? And that could happen. Most of you live now just like the little birds you see singing so merrily in the tree. But it is possible that very soon some one would come over and shoot them out of the tree, causing them to die. If death were sent to cut off your young merry life like that, what then?
I once visited an old lady who was not feeling well. She was well enough at that time to sit in a chair. I spoke, as we usually do, with the family and with the lady herself, but it was merely casual talk.
Before I left I closed our visit with prayer, as usual, though it was only a common prayer that time.
But what happened? Exactly 45 minutes later they called me saying the lady had died very suddenly.
O, how guilty I felt at that time for having been lax in my duties. I had not talked seriously to her, making myself free from her soul.
I was the last person who had visited her. Three quarters of an hour after I had left her she stood before the High Court, summoned before the Judge of heaven and earth, and ----she could rightly accuse me of unfaithfulness. That is why, children, I must warn you each week. A person is accountable to God!
Are there among you, who have been stricken in conscience, have been given to see the blessedness of the children of God, who are aware of the drawing power of the devil and their own flesh and blood, and are trying to divert them?
May the Lord follow through to a good conclusion. May the breach and wound be made so severe that only the healing power of that blessed Mediator can make complete restoration. May He also be glorified through the working of His redeeming grace.
May the Lord spare you from sin during the summer months and preserve you in the evil times in which restraint is lacking and all manner of dangers exist.
Above all, may His gracious influence be made effectual in many hearts and bring to a conclusion the work He has already begun. May you be able to sing in truth, Psalter No. 205:8
O God, Thou art our King of old
Salvation Thou hast wrought;
In safety through the mighty sea
Our fathers thou has brought.
Yea, we may rightly say this, since we stand again at the end of the past year, and the beginning of another. “Hours and days and years and ages, Swift as moving shadows fly.” It seems that as we advance in years, life goes faster and faster. Formerly we dreaded to think of another year. Then it seemed like a long time, but that is now so different. everything flies away as with eagle’s wings; and we are reminded from all sides, that after this, there shall be time no longer. The end of the year always reminds us of the end of our life here upon earth. It is not a “perhaps”, but it is an absolute certainty that man goes to his long home.
No one shall deliver his soul from the grave. Death comes sooner to one than to another and the one obtains a longer existence than the other; but yet it is true, that it is appointed to man once to die, and after that the judgment. In Paradise there was no death and it was not created by God. But in Adam our covenant head, we have chosen death above life and now we are all subject to death. As soon as we enter into the world, then we commence to die already. However death is something which by nature we do not desire. Willfully and voluntarily we have sown sin; but now, when it comes to reaping, the enmity of our depraved heart becomes manifest. Of course, we shall never get the better of God, and God does not step aside for our enmity.
Oh what a blessing it is when a person may lose out before God; when a time may come that we agree with God against ourselves; when there is no longer another way than to lay down our weapons at the feet of that Blessed King, Who has been anointed over Zion, the mountain of God’s Holiness. No, they are not forced to do so, but they have been made willing in the day of God’s power. All of them that have been accounted worthy to do so have been conquered by the love of God. Yea, they begin to rejoice in the fact that God is stronger than they. If that were not so, then it would be lost forever. God’s people do not obtain their way, and that is their eternal salvation. Eternity shall not be too long for them to admire that wonder.
For all those who have been sovereignly chosen from eternity, there comes a moment of God’s good pleasure in which it becomes eternity for them. Eternity means reality. It becomes a reality that they have sinned against God; a reality that they are without God in the world; a reality that they must meet God; a reality that it is a lost case; a reality that God cannot surrender His right. But also it becomes reality that from eternity God has had thoughts of peace and not of evil; a reality that God has taken reason out of Himself, and because of love toward His perfections and attributes, He has set up His Son as Surety for the elect. And this was done for the adornment of His affronted virtues and also to fulfill His eternal counsel in the saving of sinners and in their restoration into the fellowship with God. Yea, we may truly sing: “How blest is he whose trespass hath freely been forgiven.” Psalter No. 83:1. It is a one-sided work of God and nothing of man is considered.
There are usually three hundred sixty five days in each year, but there is never a day that we have time for the one thing needful. No time, even though the cares of life do not press us yet; neither have we time, though we have nothing to do anymore with the world. We never have time, and that is of course, because there is no desire and no longing. However busy we may be in the world, we take time for ourselves and for everything that perishes which is of no value; but we do not take time for the one thing needful.
The main reason for this is that in our fall we bade farewell to God and never intend to return to God. The last crumb of love toward God we have sinned out of our heart and now our heart is filled with an eternal enmity toward God. Of ourselves, we will have nothing more to do with God.
This is a hard saying to many people in our days. They take offence at it and they can no longer bear it. Many slander this doctrine and turn away from it. They say, if that is the case, then no one can be converted. Basically they seek a doctrine where man’s state of death is denied, and where a dead person is compelled to believe in Christ. God’s Word teaches us differently. Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, came to Christ with some knowledge and with some religion; but Christ immediately took everything away from him and told him plainly, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3
Oh, if a person is arrested by God and is enlightened by God’s Spirit to know himself, then he shall surely acknowledge that God’s people are saved by grace. It is true, after the fall man has remained a rational creature and is accountable for all his deeds. No, far be it from us that we should deny that, because that would be an abomination in the sight of God. Sin has not been created or ordained by God. Far be it from God that He should do wickedness, and from the Almighty that He should commit iniquity. If a person is lost and perishes, he shall not be able to answer one out of a thousand questions. He shall not be able to accuse God of injustice. His damnation shall be just. As soon as the thief upon the cross was converted to God, he said: “And we indeed justly, but this man hath done nothing amiss.” All the people upon whom God puts a hand of grace, begin to condemn themselves and justify God. Then they say, “Lord, Thou hast given me time and hast followed me from my early youth. Thou didst have me warned. I regarded not Thy words. I have trampled Thy blessings under foot and hardened myself beneath Thy blows. I have offered my time, my precious time, to the Moleck of the world and to sin. I would not have Thee to reign over me. I have transgressed Thy law and often and grievously have sinned against Thee. I realize that I must go to hell and that there is no room for me in heaven, where only holiness dwells. But now it comes to the point: to miss God forever and to live forever outside of His fellowship. I do not know how I can survive that; and to blaspheme and curse God forever, I shall not be able to do that either. If then I must perish, then at the bottom of hell, I hope to confess that God is just and that He has never done me any harm but has always been good to me.” Yea, those people are not concerned to remain out of hell and to go to heaven, but they are concerned about God. To them it is a hell to live without God. When God converts a person, then he receives back in principle that which he had lost in the state of rectitude -love toward God and love toward his neighbor. God’s Spirit convinces the quickened sinner of sin, righteousness and judgment. He reveals to them that they have lost God and He binds the want of God upon their souls. That want becomes unbearable. That want must be filled. How and in what way they do not know, but a true anxiety is born within their heart, an anxiety which remains with them. And it is God Himself Who draws that people out to Him and binds them to His throne.
With sleepless eyes, and speechless pain,
My fainting spirit grieved in vain.
It is strange that when God commences, then the devil is immediately there too. He shoots his arrows into their heart. He tries to bring them to despair. How very fearful he often makes them. ‘You have no more time; it is too late; God does not hear sinners; you have no help in God; God shall never answer you; you have committed the sin against the Holy Spirit; and - and what else! But it is remarkable (and later they can view that better than at such a time) that the enemy can never close the access to heaven. He can do much by permission, but yet, he cannot prevent that in all their misery, guilt, sin and condemnation, they continue to cry to God. He cannot obstruct the way to heaven. Ah, there is a time of good pleasure, a time of mercy, a time to cry, to sigh, and a time to find. That time comes to those people for whom it becomes eternity here. That is the acceptable time, the day of salvation. God begins to open His mouth for that soul, who through the law came to the knowledge of sin. Salvation in Christ is revealed to a soul who becomes wretched in self. This is still possible with the retention and glorification of God’s virtues. How that fills a soul with astonishment and joy. “The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding to the simple”. Ps. 119:130. Yea, the manifestation of Christ, brings him as it were into an other world. No grief shall ever erase that from his memory. But also, with that benefit, those people come into want again. When it becomes reality and God makes a short work upon earth; when it pleases God that those people submit to justice and are redeemed with judgment; then the language of the heart is:
O God, when e’er I cried to Thee,
Thou heardest me and didst deliver.
For by Thy strength when sore afraid
My soul was stayed, O Gracious Giver..Psalter 429:2
Then we read of Jacob who had become Israel (in Gen. 32:31) “And as he passed over Peniel, the sun rose upon him and he halted upon his thigh.” This means that all those who have become partakers of that benefit, can never walk straight again, but that is because sanctification is only in part in this life. The highest step is: “I follow after if that I may apprehend....” Phil 3:12. In Gen. 35 the Lord confirmed the imparted benefit and there he was blessed. The fruit of that benefit has become manifest, “And unto Thee shall the vow be performed.” Psalm 65:1. Then followed a life of strife, darkness, and trouble, ways of which he had no knowledge before, and all that with a Divine purpose that Jacob, who had already become Israel, would come into the Divine good pleasure. But when this took place, he did not live long any more. We could also express it with other words: then he began to live, never to die again.
To become reality means that we with ourselves fall forever outside, but also that with God we have fallen forever inside. Then the former things have passed away, behold all things have become new. “And he that sat upon the throne said, ‘Behold I make all things new’.” Rev. 21:5.
Really, they are blessed souls, who during a life that flies away, have been called to a standstill by God, who in secret imparts that wisdom. We shall not seek it, and neither can we merit it, no more than we can apprehend it. It is a onesided work of God for which God alone shall forever receive all the glory. All these blessings flow from the electing love of the Father, the redeeming love of the Son and the applying love of the Holy Spirit. There it lies firm and it shall also be the only guarantee that God will never forsake the works of His hands.
Moments shall dawn for this people, if they may walk by faith, that they shall rejoice that this life flies away, that an end shall come to it. This land is not the land of rest. In many things we offend all. Here we carry about a flesh which is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. It is the desire of the new life to live holy and perfect before God, and always to partake of His fellowship. They can agree with Paul that they have a delight in the law of God after the inward man, but with him they must also add: “But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.” Rom 7:23. At times it seems as if there shall never come an end to it. God’s hand may rest so heavy upon them. The enemy may press them so much at times. They may be ensnared so much in the bonds of unbelief. They quarrel with God, not being able to submit to His actions, they receive no answer from God. Micah 3’:7. Yea, for a long time they may be as it were overtaken by an inward misery, and then everything is against them. Yea, at times it seems as if the Lord agrees with the enemy or that everything has been aimed at their ruin.
At times they may be so distressed and at other times they may be distressed because they are not distressed. They may not even have a desire to pray or to sigh. We cannot describe or express how very despondent we may become at times. But God does not permit His own to perish. In themselves, they suffer shipwreck from all sides. The right hand of the Lord changes. The right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly. After bitterness He gives sweetness; also in their life, He gives bitterness after sweetness.
When it comes to it, it is a tribulation of only ten days for God’s church and in the end God shall change their sorrow into eternal joy. The end of all those who are beloved of God and who are comprehended in Christ shall be after all: “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.” 2 Cor. 4:17. Also in the year that has flown away, here and there some of those people have been released and gathered up into eternal glory. They have obtained their desire and now they are there, where they can lay their crowns at the feet of the Lamb of God. Eternal joy is now upon their head. All mourning and sighing have fled away.
Here they have left a vacant place which fills the hearts of relatives and friends with sadness. But there is more: they call as it were from the regions of eternal bliss to those who are still in the strife:
“Fear not, though succor be delayed
Still wait for God and He will hear.
Be strong, nor be thy heart dismayed,
Wait and the Lord shall bring thee aid,
Yea, trust and never fear.” Psalter No. 73:6
On the other hand, how terrible it shall be to the others if the year that has flown by yielded no profit for eternity, if that precious time of grace which has been given unto us has been wasted and squandered in seeking pleasure. If we have paid no attention to God’s callings and have ignored them; yea, have hardened ourselves against it, or have even ridiculed them.
Yea, how much dung God has put at the tree of the soul through blessings and judgments. But, says the Lord in Amos 4 “Yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord.” God is free for He has created us with His image in the state of rectitude and He also has made Himself free through the Gospel. Then we read in Prov. 1:30 “They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.” And how many there are who were excluded and placed outside by the truth while they still lived, but they cling tenaciously to their self-will religion, and comfort themselves with false grounds which in the hour of death and in eternity will prove to be quicksand. What shall that be, to think to enter and not be able; to remain outside and to hear, “I never knew you.”
“Flown by”, the time of grace, the time to repent and to consider what belongs unto our eternal peace. And now … too late, forever too late; no more opportunity to turn back, decided for ever.
Oh, how it should make an impression upon everyone: young and old, small and great, prominent and less prominent ones. Like last year has flown by, our life also flies by until by and by we shall have reached the limit and man shall have to meet God.
There is a limit to God’s longsuffering.
“Ye children come, give ear to me,
And learn Jehovah’s fear.
He who would long and happy live
Let him my counsel hear.” Psalter No. 89:1
Boys and girls, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them.” Ecclesiastes 12:1. Men and women, “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6. Aged ones, “The time is short.” I Cor. 7:29. The thief upon the cross was also still converted by God, when as it were, he stood with one foot in the grave.
Hasten for your life’s sake.
O, may we be counted with those of whom we read in Isaiah 60:8 “Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?” May we belong to those spiritual doves, of whom we read in Gen. 8:9 “But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot and she returned to him in the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth; then he (Noah) put forth his hand and took her and pulled her in unto him into the ark.”
And, people of the Lord, “Wherefore the rather brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure, for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall. For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 1:10–11. It is so God glorifying and profitable in our life; but it shall also be necessary in our death. I shall close now. Receive these last lines, at the end of the year, just passed, out of the heart, out of love directed to your heart. And may it please the God of all grace with Whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning, Who is the same from eternity to eternity, to bring these lines into your heart and bedew them with His precious and indispensible Spirit, for Christ’s sake.
Rev. Lamain
Certificates of Baptism
X asks whether letters of dismissal must be issued to members by baptism as well as to full members. He also asks that we write about members by baptism.
Yes, that latter would be useful, we shall see. I will now give my attention to the first question.
Letters of dismissal as are given to full members cannot be given to members by baptism only. By giving them these members are removed from the membership register of the one church and entered into that of the other. These acts are announced to the congregation so that they may approve what is done. If there are objections, they must be made known.
However, baptized members are not full members, they are, ecclesiastically speaking, minors. As in civil life minors do not remain minors but become adults, so it should also be in church life. Baptismal members are considered as being their parents’ responsibility. As long as a baptized child has not made a confession of faith, he belongs to the church his parents belong to. He therefore cannot be given a letter of dismissal to go to another church. If that baptized member moves to another place to enter military service, for his employment, or his education, then the parents request the consistory of the nearest church to watch over their child, catechize him, etc.
The questioner will observe that we do acknowledge baptized members as members, but as minors. Therefore we give them no letters of dismissal, but the consistory of the nearest place must be notified that a baptized member is living there. That is the duty of the parents. If they are negligent, the consistory should admonish them, and if necessary the consistory itself should send such a notice. But that is not a letter of dismissal. Baptized members can only leave for another church when their parents do.
They can also become members in the place where they are living by making public confession there. In this case the home consistory will send a letter of explanation, but this is not a letter of dismissal. A letter of dismissal gives not only a testimony of a person’s life and doctrine, but also recommends that person to the care and supervision of the other consistory, thus transferring him to the other congregation. Therefore there are no letters of dismissal for members by baptism only.
Dear Friends:
Once again we would like to thank you for your bookorders, prayers, donations and continued interest. It is our prayer that the Lord might bless the reading of these books and tracts to many hearts. Paul can plant and Apollos can water but God alone must give the increase. The Lord has again made it possible for us to add some new titles; some of which are:
by John Bunyan
Retail - $1.50
Our Price - $1.10
Written in Bunyan’s clear and earnest manner, the book explains the benefits of, the persons involved in, the unfailing efficacy of, and the lessons taught by the intercession of Christ. “Wherefore He is able to save them to the uttermost, that come to God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them.” (Heb. 7:25) 112 pages (paperback)
by Sallie Ford
Retail - $3.95
Our Price - $2.80
A well-written account of the struggles endured by the family of John Bunyan, especially during his trials and imprisonments. The book centers on Mary Bunyan, John Bunyan’s daughter. Very interesting reading to adults and young people alike. 488 pages (hardcover)
Please address all correspondence to:
P.O. Box 2373
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49003
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1975
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van woensdag 1 januari 1975
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's