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3 minuten leestijd Arcering uitzetten

Next to praying there is nothing so important in practical religion as Bible-reading. To have the Bible is one thing, to read it quite another.

1. There is no book in existence written in such a manner as the Bible. It was “given by inspiration of God” (2 Timothy 3, 16).

2. There is no knowledge absolutely needful to a man’s salvation except a knowledge of the things which are to be found in the Bible. A man may have prodigious learning, and yet never be saved. Chemistry never silenced a guilty conscience. Mathematics never healed a broken heart. A man may be a very ignorant man, and yet be saved; if he has heard Bible truth with his ears, and believed it with his heart.

3. No book in existence contains such important matters as the Bible.

4. No book in existence has produced such wonderful effects on mankind at large as the Bible. This is the book whose doctrines turned the world upside down in the days of the Apostles. This is the Book’ which turned Europe upside down in the days of the glorious Protestant Reformation. This is the book to which the civilized world is indebted for many of its best institutions.

5. No book in existence can do so much for everyone who reads it rightly, as the Bible. Under God’s blessing, it is “able to make a man wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus”. When men read it without profit, the fault is not in the Book, but in themselves.

6. The Bible is the only rule by which all questions of doctrine or of duty can be tried. Learn to weigh sermons, books, opinions, and ministers, in the scales of the Bible. His worldly calling, worldly amusements, the education of his children — what is a man to do? He must make the Bible his rule of conduct.

7. The Bible is the book which all true servants of God have always lived on and loved.

8. The Bible is the only book which can comfort a man in the last hours of his life.

A neglected Bible is a plain evidence that you do not love God. Begin reading your Bible this very day. Read the Bible with childlike faith and humility. Say, “Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth”. Read the Bible in a spirit of obedience and self-application. Read the Bible daily. Read all the Bible, and read it in an orderly way. Read the Bible fairly and honestly — as a general rule, whatever a verse of the Bible seems to mean, it does mean. Read the Bible with Christ continually in view.

Last of all, let us resolve to live by the Bible more and more every year we live. Let us frequently take account of all our opinions and practices — of our habits and tempers — of our behaviour in public and in private — in the world, and by our own firesides. Let us measure all by the Bible, and resolve by God’s help, to conform to it. Oh that we may learn increasingly to “cleanse our ways” by the Word!

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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 februari 1969

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's


Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 februari 1969

The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's