Calls Received
To Sioux Center, Iowa, by Rev. W. C. Lamain.
To Rev. H. Rijksen, the Netherlands, by the Kalamazoo congregation.
Calls Accepted
To Ridderkerk, the Netherlands, by Candidate A. Den Boer, the Netherlands.
To Tricht, the Netherlands, by Candidate J. Baaians.
To Vlissingen, the Netherlands, by Candidate A. Snoep.
Calls Declined
To Kalamazoo, Lethbridge, Franklin Lakes and People’s Park by Candidate A. Den Boer.
Change of Address
The new address of Rev. C. Hegeman is 14th Ave., RR 1
Milliken, Ontario, Canada. The new telephone number is 416-294-4129.
On the evening of June 18, 1968 a prayer meeting was held in the Grand Rapids church at which the Rev. C. Hegeman of Bradford, Ont., preached an English sermon on Ps. 50:15. The topic of this sermon was: “A great privilege.”
As chairman of the calling church Rev. C. Hegeman opened the meeting Tuesday June 18, 1968 at 2 P.M. After singing Psalter Number 60, stanzas 1 and 2 the Pastor read Psalm 122, and led in prayer. After making a few opening remarks he welcomed all the delegates and declared Synod to be opened. The families of the deceased former Elders Henry Johnson, and John Kiel were also remembered.
When the credentials were examined it was found that the following office bearers were delegated:
Classis East: Rev. M. Heerschap, Rev. C. Hegeman, Rev. L. Kieboom, Rev. Wm. C. Lamain, Elders J. Beeke, C.F. Boerkoel Sr., L. Nieuwenhuizen, M. Pikaard, J. Vander Stad, R. Van Vliet.
Classis West: Rev. A. Elshout, Rev. M. Romeyn, Rev. J. Van Zweden, Elders L. Bouma, H. Derksen, G. Feyter, L. Kaat, D. Spaans Sr., J. Van Belle, W. Van Voorts.
Rev. Wm. C. Lamain was elected President, Vice President Rev. J. Van Zweden, and Elder C. F. Boerkoel, Sr., Clerk and Elder J. Beeke second clerk, while Elder R. Van Vliet was appointed treasurer.
The minutes of the Synodical meeting of June 7, and 8, 1966 were approved.
Report regarding the Deputies of foreign churches was read and discussed.
Report of the Student Support Fund.
Delegates were presented with a report of the financial standing of this Fund. Rev. Kieboom read a letter received from Rev. C. Molenaar, and Rev. K. De Gier regarding the examination of Student A.M. Den Boer which is to take place in the Netherlands June 19, 1968. The contents of these letters suggested that Student Den Boer would be eligible for a call from the Netherlands and America. It was agreed to accept their decision, and to notify them by phone.
Report of the Ministerial Retirement Fund.
Report regarding the “Banner of Truth.”
The report regarding the Banner of Truth was read, and the delegates were presented with this report along with a report of the financial standing. The attention is especially called to the fact that though the subscriptions to this publication are on individual basis, that the churches also support this worthy publication financially. A special request was again made that the Pastors of our congregations assist in writing articles of current material for the Banner. Approval was also given that Elders of the congregation assist in this matter.
Report of the church Yearbook.
Report General Fund.
The Synod was pleased that the first twenty six catechism sermons of the late Rev. G.H. Kersten had been distributed to the various churches in bound volumes. Synod decided that another thousand copies be printed in addition to the 2,500 which are completed. These volumes have been paid for by the various churches, and it was decided that one volume be given to each family of the congregation at no charge.
Report Inheritance Publishers
This report was read by the clerk. Demand for these booklets are constantly increasing, and some indications are given that this work has its rewards.
The afternoon session came to a close at 5:30 P.M. and the President asked Rev. Van Zweden to close it with prayer, after singing Psalter No. 251, stanza 1.
The Synodical meeting was opened Wednesday June 19, 1968 at 9:30 A.M. Rev. Lamain led this meeting in prayer after first singing Psalter No. 221, stanza 1, and reading of Psalm 80.
Report of General Fund Cont.
A report was given regarding the publication of the “VREUGDENHILL” Bible stories. The committee of Classis West had received several letters from the printers in the Netherlands, which were read. After some discussion it was agreed that churches pay for the books already mailed to the West in the sum of 1,653.75 gulden.
It was further agreed that the Den Hertog Printers publish 2,000 bound volumes of the translation by Mr. Van Grouw, instead of the “VREUGDENHILL” Bible stories.
Report regarding the Psalter Committee.
The clerk reported that the Eerdmans Publishers in Grand Rapids have several thousand large copies at hand. Cost of these bound volumes to the church is $3.00 less 20% church discount.
Report Mission Fund of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in America.
Rev. A. Elshout brought in a favorable report regarding Miss Ann Herfst, our first American Mission worker in Nigeria. She is working together with the Mission workers of the Netherlands. Our American churches have taken great interest in this work, and have supported it heartily. It was decided that all Mission collections be forwarded to its treasurer, who in turn will send it to the designated Mission field for which it was taken.
Synod gave its consent to a censure matter, and instructed the Classis to remain with its decision of April 23, 1968.
Synod decided to abide by the decision of the Synodical meeting of June 5, 1912. “To admonish members who for no lawful reason refrain from attending church services, and if they refuse to give heed to the admonition, that they be considered having withdrawn themselves as members of the church, and to erase their names from the church membership books.”
Synod finds it impossible that due to the various church separations within the Reformed denominations, since the time of the Reformation, to place members under censure and finally to excommunicate them, because of their non-attendance at church services.
Synod expressed that each consistory has its local right to act according to this decision, as the church must take a firm stand if such members take these liberties upon themselves contrary to their confession.
Synod approved to accept the Mission Committee of Classis West, as the General Mission Fund for the Denomination, to be known as the General Mission Fund of the Netherland Reformed Congregations in America.
Synod again discussed the matter of T.V. considering the seriousness of the evil effect it has within the homes and on members of our congregations. Synod decided to abide by its decision of 1950.
Special recommendations were again given:
A. Not to baptize children if both parents being members, favor a T.V. Permission was given to baptize children if one member has expressed his or her disapproval, and the parent who favors it shall be forbidden to answer to the questions placed at baptism.
B. To continue to admonish, and if need be after much patience has been exercised, to place them under censure.
C. Not accept people which have expressed their desire to become members if they favor a T.V.
D.To write to the Synodical meeting of the Reformed congregations in the Netherlands and asked them to consider a similar action in this matter.
Synod decided that whereas brother Dick S paans asked for his release as a Deputy of Art. 48 and 49, due to ill health, that Rev. A. Elshout be appointed to replace brother Spaans.
The Deputies of Art. 48 and 49 also will be called upon when necessary if any unforseen problems arise within our Denomination.
Synod appointed the following delegates to represent our Denomination to the Governments of the U.S.A., and Canada.
For the U.S.A.: Rev. A. Elshout, and Elder C.F. Boerkoel For Canada: Rev. C. Hegeman, and Elder R. Van Vliet
Synod restored the division of the Classis as it was prior to the Synod of 1966.
A division was made in the number of delegates to the Synod.
Three — From Classis East
Seven — From Classis Midwest
Five — From Classis West
Five — From Classis Far West
Rock Valley is designated to be the calling church for the next meeting of the Synod which is to be held, D.V. on the third Tuesday of June, 1970 at 2 o’clock.
The total cost of this meeting amounted to $2,137.54.
The President in his closing remarks expressed his wish that the Pastors, Elders, and Deacons, each in their respective offices may be as watchman upon the walls of Zion. He urged all to hold fast to the true doctrine, as it is in Christ Jesus, who alone receives the NAME by whom we must be saved, and that a personal knowledge is essential shall it be well for eternity. After which the meeting closed with prayer.
Rev. M. Heerschap
Rev. Wm. C. Lamain, President
Rev. J. Van Zweden, Vice President
Elder C.F. Boerkoel, Clerk
Elder J. Beeke, 2nd Clerk
Elder R. Van Vliet, Treasurer
The brother was given another opportunity to give further information regarding his call to the ministry. He was requested to withdraw in order for the Deputies to discuss this matter. Upon voting, the majority of the deputies gave their disapproval to accept this brother presently, hoping that the Lord may further instruct him, and that he may be submissive to the Lord’s providence.
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 augustus 1968
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's
Bekijk de hele uitgave van donderdag 1 augustus 1968
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's