His eye pierced through the whole world of waters; discerned the fish that had swallowed a piece of silver coin, and guided its course to Peter’s hook. ’Tis true, when the gatherers of the tax came to collect His share He had not a sufficiency of money to satisfy so small a demand; yet He takes occasion from this most abject poverty to manifest the immensity of His riches. He makes the great deep His revenue, and bids the scaly nations bring Him their tribute. Never was such poverty associated with such magnificence! And never, never let us forget that the indigence was ours, the magnificence all His own!
How wonderful is this seemingly-little miracle, rather, what a cluster of wonders is comprised in this single act! That any fish, with money in its mouth, should be caught — with money just of such a value — and in the very first fish that offered itself! What a pregnant display of omniscience to know, of omnipotence to over-rule, all these incidents !
His glance pierced into futurity; espied events, in all their circumstances, and with the greatest clearness, before they came into being. See a very remarkable exemplification of this particular in Mark xiv: 13. “There shall meet you …” not barely a person, but the sex and age are both specified; not two, or several, but one man; not within any given space of time, but at the very instant of your arrival; not empty-handed, but bearing a vessel; not of wood or metal, but an earthen pitcher; filled, not with wine or milk, but with water; carrying it into that very house, where the preparation was made, and as Passover was to be celebrated. What a multitude of contingencies all minutely foretold by our Lord!
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 april 1967
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's

Bekijk de hele uitgave van zaterdag 1 april 1967
The Banner of Truth | 20 Pagina's