The beautiful 118th Psalm is my psalm, which I love dearly. Although I love the whole Book of Psalms and the whole Bible, it being my only comfort in this life. I am, however, especially bound to this psalm. Therefore it is mine and must be called mine, which it justly deserves because it has helped me (as a means in God’s hand) out of many a great need and distress, in which neither emperors, nor kings, nor wise men, nor saints have helped me. This psalm is dearer unto me than honor, goods, or the power of popes, Turks, emperors, and the whole world. And if any one will cast an angry look at me because I speak thus of this psalm, for it is true that it has been given to all who love the Lord of this psalm, he must know that therefore that psalm shall not be taken from anybody, because it is mine! Christ is also mine, although at the same time He certainly belongs to all the saints. I do not want to show jealousy or be selfish, but be a happy giver. May God grant that the whole world would acknowledge this psalm as their song, as I may do! That would be the most friendly contest, with which hardly any union and love could be compared. Alas! amongst those who would do so for others, there are not many who for once in their life would say to the Holy Scripture or to any psalm, “Thou art a dear Book to me, thou shalt be my own psalm.” This is surely the greatest plague upon earth, that the Holy Scripture is so despised, also by those that should preach it. They keep themselves busy almost day and night with all other things, art, books, etc., and of the labor and weariness there is no end: only the Holy Scripture they leave at its place, as if they do not need it. And as for those that yet give it so much honor as to read it once or a few times, they know everything in one moment, and there has never been a book in which they were so well versed in such a short time. And they surely are not words only for reading, as they suppose, but Words of Life alone are contained therein; words not for reasoning about or merely discussing, or lofty singing, but for life and practice have they been revealed.
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Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 oktober 1963
The Banner of Truth | 8 Pagina's

Bekijk de hele uitgave van dinsdag 1 oktober 1963
The Banner of Truth | 8 Pagina's